General Information
Subcutaneous emphysema
Incorrect placement of a cannula or a trocar into subcutaneous tissue may lead
to emphysema. To reduce the risk, use a low gas flow rate for the first insuffla-
tion and ensure that the insufflation instrument is correctly positioned. Long sur-
geries, the use of many access points, duration and size of leaks at these points
may also contribute to emphysema. Be sure to close leakages in trocar accesses
Subcutaneous emphysema
When puncturing the thicker abdominal wall of morbidly obese patients with
the Veress cannula or the trocar, carefully monitor the correct position of the in-
strument in the abdomen.
Additional insufflation sources/automatic venting system
Make sure the automatic venting system is activated (see chapter 7 Menu). The
use of additional insufflation sources increases the intra-abdominal pressure.
Continuously monitor intra-abdominal pressure over the course of the entire in-
sufflation if additional sources are used.
Warnings Pediatric Indication
Gas flow limit
The gas flow may not exceed 14 l/min when performing a laparoscopy on new-
borns or patients weighing less than 25 kg (approximately 55 US pounds).
Recommended work settings
The flow values listed for laparoscopic procedures performed on newborns, in-
fants, and children are only suggested values. The selection of the suitable flow
and pressure values is solely the responsibility of the attending physician.
Children are at risk of a pneumolabium or pneumoscrotum.
Only specially trained and qualified personnel may use this device on children.