Care and Maintenance
Material resistance
The actual required drying time depends on parameters, which are the sole re-
sponsibility of the user (loading configuration and density, sterilizer condition, etc.)
and must therefore be determined by the user. However, drying times should never
be less than 10 minutes.
Flash sterilization procedures are not permitted. Furthermore, do not use hot air
sterilization, radiation sterilization, formaldehyde or ethylene oxide sterilization,
or plasma sterilization.
Documentation of the general suitability of the reusable heating tube system for
effective sterilization was provided by an independent accredited and recognized
(§ 15 (5) MPG) testing laboratory using the autoclave Systec HX-320.
This was done by taking into account the procedure described above.
After sterilization, the products in the sterilization packaging must be stored dry
and dust-free.
When selecting the cleaning and disinfecting agents, please ensure that the fol-
lowing ingredients are not included:
• organic, mineral and oxidizing acids (minimum admissible pH 6.5)
• strong alkalies (maximum admissible pH 9.5, enzymatic/neutral or slightly al-
kaline cleaner recommended)
• organic solvents (alcohols, ethers, ketones, petroleum)
• oxidizing agents (such as hydrogen peroxide)
• halogens (chlorine, iodine, bromine)
• aromatic/halogenated hydrocarbons
Never clean the reusable tube with metal brushes or steel wool. Rinse aids or acid
neutralizers are not permitted. All products may not be exposed to temperatures
in excess of 142 °C (288 °F)! Failure to comply with these instructions voids any