8.3. Suction
Possible Problem
or no suction
Suction valve
remains depressed
8.4. Working Channel
Possible Problem
Working channel
or access is
constricted or
blocked (accessory
instruments do
not pass through
channel smoothly)
Possible Cause
Vacuum source/suction
pump is not connected or
not switched ON
Suction canister is full or
not connected
Biopsy valve is not
properly connected
Biopsy valve cap is open
Biopsy valve is damaged
Vacuum source/suction
pump to weak (min. -7 kPa)
Vacuum source/suction
pump is defective
Working channel blocked
aScope™ Duodeno
Sticky valve
Possible Cause
Endoscopic accessory is
not compatible
Endoscopic accessory
is open
Elevator is raised
Working channel
is blocked
Biopsy valve is not open
Connect the vacuum source/suction
pump and power ON
Change the suction canister if it's full
Connect a suction canister
Attach valve correctly
Close cap
Replace with new one
Increase vacuum pressure
Replace with new vacuum source/
suction pump
Flush sterile water with a syringe
through the working channel
Withdraw the aScope™ Duodeno
carefully and connect a new
aScope™ Duodeno
Gently pull valve up
Select a compatible accessory
Close the endoscopic accessory or
retract it into its sheath
Lower the elevator
Try to free it by flushing sterile water
into the working channel
with a syringe
Open the cap of the biopsy valve