Activation Tone
The audio levels stated below are for activation tones of sealing at a distance of one meter.
Volume (adjustable):
Alert Tones
Volume (adjustable):
System Error
& Instrument Error:
Seal Complete:
Reactivate /
Incomplete Seal:
Input Power
Maximum power at nominal line voltage: 110W
Mains current (maximum)
Sealing: 1 A
Mains line frequency range (nominal): 50 Hz to 60 Hz
Mains line voltage range (nominal): 100-240 V
Fuses (2): Type T5AH 250V or equivalent, 5 mm x 20 mm 5A, 250V, slow acting, high breaking capacity
Power inlet: IEC 60320 C14
Power Cord Specification
This unit was equipped from the factory with a 110 VAC hospital grade power cord with a NEMA5-15 mains connector. When
replacing the AC power cord to match another mains connector configuration, the replacement connector/cable/receptacle
configuration must meet or exceed the following specifications:
100-120 VAC
Mains connector:
Unit receptacle:
220-240 VAC
Mains connector:
Unit receptacle:
Bolder Surgical
40 dBA to 80 dBA
349.2 Hz
Continuous while the system is actively delivering RF energy
65 dBA to 80 dBA
One 550 msec tone pulse
High = 2637 Hz, Low = 440 Hz
550 msec
Three sequential tones
349.2 Hz, 392 Hz & 440 Hz
75 msec, 150 msec & 300 mSec duration
Three tone pulses
High = 2489 Hz, Low = 349.2 Hz
80 msec pulses, 100 msec pauses between
250 mA
SJT 18/3, IEC color code, maximum length 10ft. (3 m)
Hospital grade, meets requirements of local country
10 A - 125 VAC
IEC 60320 C13, minimum 10 A - 125 VAC
H05VVF3G1.0, maximum length 10 ft. (3 m)
Hospital grade, meets requirements of local country
6 A - 250 VAC
IEC 60320 C13, minimum 6 A - 250 VAC
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