SC Series Controllers
High Torque:
The maximum peak torque for an acceptable fastening cycle (required for all steps). If the actual torque exceeds
this limit the fastening cycle will be flagged as NOK and the RED LED on the front panel and tool illuminates.
Must be greater than Torque Target and less than or equal to the rated torque marked on the tool. Units are the
selected torque units.
Low Torque:
The minimum peak torque for an acceptable fastening cycle. If the actual torque does not reach this limit, the
fastening cycle is flagged as NOK and the YELLOW LED on the front panel and tool illuminates. Must be less
than the Torque Target. Units are the selected torque units.
Torque Display:
Selects which achieved torque value to store, display and use to compare against limits for fastening cycle
status. PEAK will choose the peak torque during the step, FINAL will choose the torque at peak angle during the
Snug Torque:
The point in the step when the controller begins to monitor the tool's output angle. Should be greater than 0 and
less than Low Torque. A value of 50% of Torque Target is a good starting point. Units are the selected torque
Angle Target:
The angle at which the controller shuts off the tool after a selected Snug Torque value. Should be greater than
Low Angle and lower than High Angle. Units are degrees of rotation.
High Angle:
The maximum peak angle for an acceptable fastening cycle (required for all steps). If the actual angle exceeds
this limit the fastening cycle will be flagged as NOK and the RED LED on the front panel and tool illuminates.
Must be greater than Low Angle. Units are degrees of rotation.
Low Angle:
The minimum peak angle for an acceptable fastening cycle. If the achieved angle does not reach this limit the
fastening cycle will be flagged as a NOK and the YELLOW LED on the front panel and tool illuminates. Must be
less than High Angle. Units are degrees of rotation.
Angle Reset:
Resets the achieved angle value to zero if torque drops below Snug Torque during the step.
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