Configuration Menu (Overview)
Utility menu
10.2.4 Setting the Flow Safety Limit*
Factory setting = Limit OFF
*selectable only in Pediatric operating mode and Vessel Harvest operating mode.
In the Configuration menu I, press the to access the Configuration menu II.
In the configuration menu II, press the Flow safety limit function field to access
the setting. (Only selectable while in Vessel Harvest or Pediatric operating mode;
otherwise depicted in gray - if set, valid for both modes)
The display switches to the Flow safety limit selection menu.
For example, press the Limit ON function field.
You now have the opportunity to
• save the selected value by pressing the (SAVE) function field. The display de-
picts (SAVED) for 2 seconds. After saving you return automatically to the pre-
vious level,
• press the function field to return to the previous menu level without saving,
• or press (EXIT) to return to the work screen without saving.
10.2.5 Setting the Warning signal: Occlusion
Factory Settings
Operating mode
High Flow
Vessel Harvest
In the Configuration menu I, press the to access the Configuration menu II.
The display changes to the Configuration menu II.
In the configuration menu II, press the Warning signal: Occlusion function field
to access the selection menu.
The display switches to the Warning signal: Occlusion selection menu.
For example, press the Signal OFF function field.
You now have the opportunity to
1. save the selected value by pressing the (SAVE) function field. The display de-
picts (SAVED) for 2 seconds. After saving you return automatically to the pre-
vious level,
2. press the function field to return to the previous menu level without sav-
3. or press (EXIT) to return to the work screen without saving.
Utility menu
While insufflation is stopped, press the Actual function field for 2 seconds to ac-
cess the Configuration menu. In the Configuration menu I, press the function
field to access the Configuration menu II and there press the function field
Factory setting
Signal ON
Signal ON
Signal OFF
Signal ON