Operating the Device - General
House gas supply
The following house gas supply pressures are displayed:
Switch on Device
1. Connect with mains power supply.
2. Connect the gas supply to the gas connection port and open the gas supply.
3. Press the ON/OFF switch. The device switches on.
4. After being switched on, the device performs a device check. The touch screen
depicts the company logo as well as the lines PNEUMO SURE respectively
PNEUMO SURE XL ->Device check ->Device OK is visible for 3 seconds after
the successful completion of the device check. In case the device check failed
and error message is displayed please see chapter 15 Error and Warning Mes-
sages for advises.
5. The display depicts an insufflation operating modes overview. Unavailable
operating modes are depicted in gray and cannot be selected. Press the re-
spective function field to select the corresponding desired operating mode
(e.g. High Flow).
House gas supply pressure OK
House gas supply pressure too low