Using and Controlling the PNEUMO SURE High Flow Insufflator in Pediatric Operating Mode
Veress insufflation
Insufflation: Pediatric
Veress insufflation operating mode:
The device monitors the gas flow in two different operating modes:
• Veress insufflation ( 1 l/min)
• Insufflation: Pediatric (> 1 l/min)
Veress insufflation is intended for the gentle development of a pneumoperitone-
um. The nominal gas flow emitted by the device in this case is very low (in the
range of 0.1 l/min to 1 l/min).
To minimize the risks in case of a faulty incision, the manufacturer recommends
using Veress insufflation to start a procedure (filling abdomen with CO2).
Start the device by pressing the START function field.
Please note that the automatic venting system is only active during the Veress
insufflation mode if "In Veress insufflation ON" has been set in the configuration
menu (only possible in Pediatric operating mode, see chapter 10 Configuration
Menu (Overview), page 58).
Venting system "In Veress insufflation OFF"
With a nominal flow setting of 1 l/min, Veress insufflation is displayed in the
status line after pressing the Start/Stop switch.
Above 1 l/min, Insufflation: Pediatric is displayed.
Venting system "In Veress insufflation ON"
With this setting, after pressing the START function field Insufflation: Pediatric is
displayed, even if the nominal flow is set to 1 l/min.
While Insufflation: Pediatric any pressure loss due to leaks can be quickly equal-
ized. The APC Technology (Advanced Pressure Control) enables raising the actual
pressure gently to the level of the nominal pressure.
Tube, filter and instrument can reduce the gas flow.
Performing the Function Test in Pediatric Operating Mode be-
fore Using the Device during Surgery
Sterilize reusable instruments and tubing before surgery to prevent infections.
Check all the single-use/disposable items before removing them from the pack-
age to ensure that the packaging is intact and that the expiration date is still val-
For your own safety and that of your patient, use only original accessories.
The function test must be performed prior to each surgical procedure.