Two Spoolholder types
In this chapter, we will assemble the spoolholders, but before we proceed, note
there are two types of the spoolholder.
Inspect the box your kit came in. If the large portion of the box is occupied by the
rectangular black trays, you have the first version, the older vacuum-formed
1. Classic vacuum-formed spoolholder
If you have this version, continue to the following step
parts preparation
2. New injection-molded spoolholder
This version comes in five packages inside a smaller box. If you have this
version, skip to
Vacuum formed holder parts preparation
8. Montaje Porta bobinas
Injection molded spoolholder: parts preparation
Ensamblaje Original Prusa MMU3
Vacuum formed holder
Para los siguientes pasos, por
favor prepara:
Spoolholder base (1x)
Foam pad (4x)