Guiding the MMU cable
Now, we will guide the cables from the MMU unit into the printer.
Make sure the printer is turned OFF and unplugged from the wall outlet. Do not
ever connect or disconnect the MMU unit while the printer is ON.
Introduce el haz de cables de la unidad MMU hacia la electrónica de la impresora.
El cable debe colocarse justo al lado del bastidor de la impresora.
You can fix the cable to the MMU3 holder using a zip-tie in marked location. Make
sure it points to the side - not down. Otherwise, it might interfere with the extruder
cable while printing.
Guide the cable towards the electronics box.
MK3S+ Trimming the electronics box door
WARNING: We need to cut part of the plastic on the electronics box door to make
some room for the MMU cable. Make sure you wear protective eyewear!
If you're upgrading from the MMU2S to MMU3 and your door has been trimmed
already in the past, you can skip this step.
Release and remove the M3x10 screw in the upper hinge. Remove the door together
with the hinge by pulling it up.
Using pliers, carefully cut the inner corner of the door. The MMU cable bundle will
need some more clearance in the marked location.
Comparison between the trimmed door (left) and its original shape (right).
10B. Configuración y Calibración MK3S+
Ensamblaje Original Prusa MMU3