Extruder-idler-mmu installation
Add the Extruder-idler-mmu onto the extruder.
Add two M3x40 screws into the openings at the back of the extruder. Tighten them
up slightly.
Do not overtighten the screw holding the extruder-idler part. Otherwise, the
idler won't be able to move freely.
Add the M3x40 Idler tension screw with the spring into the opening on the left side
of the extruder.
Sujeta el tensor con una mano mientras aprieta el tornillo tensor desde el otro
lado. La cabeza del tornillo debe quedar alineada o ligeramente por debajo de la
superficie. De ese modo, el tensor está tensado con la fuerza correcta.
X-carriage-back reassembly
Now, look from the back of the extruder. Gently push the X-carriage-back part in
towards the extruder. Ensure no wires are pinched between both parts and that the
cables engage into the dedicated channels properly!
Aprieta los cuatro tornillos M3x10.
Tighten the screws with a reasonable force.
In case the top two screws are tightened up excessively, the top two bearings
will resemble a V-shape, the axis won't be able to move correctly and the top X-
axis rod will get damaged. Tighten the top screws just lightly. Remember, the
top two bearings are secured by the zip-ties - so the top two screws do not have
to be overly tight.
9B. Mod extrusor MK3S+ / MK3.5 (KIT)
Ensamblaje Original Prusa MMU3