n Service MENU
For service purposes only, refer to Ser-
vice Manual.
You save the selected parameter values by
pressing the STOPkey.
5.4 Application and program-
ming examples
5.4.1 Isolated extension/
1. Complete the mechanical settings and
adjust the carriage to the patient as
described in section 4.2.
2. Press the MENU key on the program-
ming unit to access level 1 (M1).
3. Press the pronation (
tion parameter key (
the + / - keys to set the carriage to the
appropriate rotation position to be
maintained during the isolated exten-
sion/flexion movements.
4. Next set the desired range of motion
for extension/flexion by first pressing
the extension parameter key (
then set the values with the + / - keys.
5. Set the flexion value (
same way.
• For an exclusive extension/flexion
protocol, motor B for the rotation
movement must be turned off as
described in steps 6 through 8 below.
• Having programmed the ranges of
motion, you can program additional
options, such as pause or speed.
6. Press the MENU key on the program-
ming unit to access level 3 (M3).
7. Press the Motor B ON/OFF parameter
key (
) to activate the parameter.
8. Deactivate motor B by pressing the
parameter key Motor B ON/OFF again
or the – (minus) key. The check mark
in the circle next to the symbol must
have disappeared.
9. Save the settings with the STOP key,
5.4.2 Isolated pronation/
1. Complete the mechanical settings and
2. Press the MENU key on the program-
3. Activate the parameter key
4. Next set the desired range of motion
) or supina-
), the press
5. Set the supination value (
• For an exclusive rotation protocol,
) in the
• Having programmed the ranges of
6. Press the MENU key on the program-
7. Press the Motor A ON/OFF parameter
8. Deactivate motor A by pressing the
9. Save the settings with the STOP key,
set the carriage to the starting posi-
tion with the START key and initiate
therapy by pressing the START key
adjust the carriage to the patient as
described in section 4.2.
ming unit to access level 1 (M1).
extension (
) or flexion (
then press the + / - keys to set the
carriage to the appropriate position
to be maintained during the isolated
pronation/supination movements.
for pronation/supination by first press-
ing the pronation parameter key
), then set the values with the
+ / – keys.
same way.
motor A for extension/flexion must
be turned off as described in steps 6
through 8 below.
motion, you can program additional
options, such as pause or speed.
ming unit to access level 3 (M3).
key (
) to activate the parameter.
parameter key Motor A ON/OFF again
or the – (minus) key. The check mark
in the circle next to the symbol must
have disappeared.
set the carriage to the starting posi-
tion with the START key and initiate
therapy by pressing the START key
) in the