CHANGED (page 49): Starting up fieldbus communication
for ACS880 and ACS580 drives
1. Power up the drive.
2. Enable the communication between the adapter module and the drive by selecting the
correct slot number in parameter 50.01 FBA A enable.
The selection must correspond to the slot where the adapter module is installed. For
example, if the adapter module is installed in slot 1, you must select slot 1.
3. With parameter 50.02 FBA A comm loss func, select how the drive reacts to a fieldbus
communication break.
Note that this function monitors both communication between the fieldbus master and the
adapter module and communication between the adapter module and the drive.
4. With parameter 50.03 FBA A comm loss t out, define the time between communication
break detection and the selected action.
5. Select application-specific values for parameters 50.04 and 50.05. The allowed values are
listed in the table below.
6. Set the FECA-01 configuration parameters in drive parameter group 51. At the minimum,
set the value of parameter 51.02 Profile according to the application.
7. Save the valid parameter values to permanent memory with parameter 96.07 Parameter
save manually.
8. Set the relevant drive control parameters to control the drive according to the application. If
the CiA 402 profile is used, set and check all parameters as instructed in the table below.
9. Validate the settings made in parameter groups 51 with parameter 51.27 FBA A par refresh.
10. CiA 402 profile only: If you intend to use the CiA 402 profile, do the following:
Select the desired operation mode for the adapter module and the drive in CoE object
0x6060 by modifying the object value via the master station. See section
modes of operation
Take into use suitable PDOs for the operation mode in use. You can do this either via
the default RxPDOs and TxPDOs as described in section
page 93, or you can create your own custom PDOs as well.
With ACS880 in Scalar motor control mode, you must configure the drive to use the
reference unit as rpm. Set parameter 19.20 Scalar control reference unit = Rpm.
Note: ACS580 supports CiA 402 profile only in Vector control mode.
on page
Appendix A – CoE Object
Update notice
Process Data Objects