the radial run-out of the rim (1st harmonic);
the radial run-out of the rim peak-to-peak;
the radial run-out of the tyre (1st harmonic);
the radial run-out of the tyre peak-to-peak;
the wave forms show the progress of the wheel
Note: The vertical mobile bar that appears in the
graphs shows the vertical axis at 12 o'clock.
IMPORTANT: If present, all the adhesive
weights fixed to the inner surface of the rim
and arranged along the laser sensor scanning
area must be removed before determining the
runout measurement cycle.
The parameters shown above can be displayed with
different types of units of measure, ie:
mm (press the key
inch (press the key
force (press the key
guration selected video will be present in the
wording GRFV Geometric Radial Force Variation
in correspondence with the detected value of
the eccentricity or radial GLFV Surveyors Late-
ral Force Variation in correspondence with the
detected lateral eccentricity value.
When the N key is pressed, the machine displays
EM9780 plus - EM9780 C plus AutomaticLine - Operator's manual
). If such a confi-
the icon on the video
Press the LOAD INDEX icon and enter the indi-
cated load index on the tire using the keyboard
and press the key
The values expressed in N (Newton) do not
derive from a simulation of the wheel load
properties or the simulation of the road beha-
vior of the vehicle. There is a simulation of the
deformation of the tread of the wheel to which
the measurement does not detect any structural
defects of the tire.
The values are derived from a conversion, by
means of appropriate mathematical formulas, of
the values expressed in mm to values expressed
in Newton (N, force measure) according to the
geometric data of the wheel and its load index.
Acceptance thresholds, although expressed in
N, are however related to the values calculated
in millimeters / inches.
If a wheel assembly is mounted where geometric
deformation has been found in both the rim and
tyre, the effects of this on the wheel assembly may
be minimised by compensating the deformation of
the rim with the deformation of the tyre.
Notification of Geometric matching is given with an
end of measurement cycle message with one of the
following indications:
Matching not recommended
Matching recommended
If you want to perform Geometric matching,
select the ROD Matching icon
bring the valve to the 12 o'clock position and
press the
Turn the wheel until the machine indicates where
to stop.
button on the