Automatic' operating mode
Press the activation microswitch with the fi lter holder cup once to start grinding
a single dose; press the activation microswitch twice in quick succession to start
grinding a double dose of coffee. The dispensing of a triple dose, if enabled, is
controlled by pressing the activation microswitch three times in quick succession.
After the command has been given, the grinder-doser is activated for the grinding
time corresponding to the specifi c dose to be processed.
In this operating mode, manual grinding (see Fig. 11 Part. 8) and the single, double
and triple dose selection buttons (see Fig. 11 Part. 4, 6 and 11) are disabled.
x 2
Double dose selection
Fig. 14 - Double dose dispensing in 'Automatic' mode.
'Pre-selection' operating mode
Select the required dose (single, double or triple, if enabled) by pressing the relevant
function button (see Fig. 11 Part. 4, 6 or 11). When the selection has been made,
the icon of the pressed button starts to fl ash to indicate that the selection has been
made and remains activated until a different dose is selected. Press the activation
microswitch with the fi lter holder cup (once) to start grinding the selected dose.
In this operating mode, manual grinding also (see Fig. 11 Part. 8) remains enabled.
Double dose selection
Dispensing activation
Fig. 15 - Example of double dose dispensing in 'Pre-set' mode.
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Double dose dispensing
Double dose dispensing
Fiorenzato | ON DEMAND_00 line Ed. 03/2022
Regardless of the set operating mode:
During the grinding process, the countdown of the time required to complete the
selected dose is displayed (in seconds and tenths of a second), only if the 'Grinding
time display' option is enabled. During the manual grinding process, the time count
(ascending) represents the duration of the grinding process.
At the end of each dispensing process, the statistics counters are updated (see
Fig. 11 Part. 3). In the statistics, the continuing grinding process (see Fig. 11
Part. 8) corresponds to an increase of one single unit in the number of dispensing
processes. The grinding cycles are stored in the memory even if the 'Show
statistics' option is disabled in the Technical Settings menu. Grinding time display
When the item 'Grinding time display' in
the 'Technical Settings' menu is activated
), the times set for the different
dispensing processes are displayed on
the HOME screen.
During the dispensing process, the time
for the selected dose is decreased in real
time until it reaches '0' (zero) at the end of
the grinding process. For manual grinding,
the time is displayed as it increases and
indicates the progressive duration of the
actual dispensing process.
If the 'Grinding time display' option is
disabled (
), the dispensing times are
not displayed on the HOME screen.
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HOME screen
with grinding times displayed
HOME screen
without grinding times displayed
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