4.1.2 Alarm Modes
When alarm occurs, the monitor may raise the user's attention in at least three ways, which are audio
Prompt, visual prompt and description. Audio and visual prompt is given by TFT display device,the speaker
on the display device and the alarm indicator. Description is displayed on the screen. Physiological alarm is
displayed in the Physiological Alarm area. Most of technical alarms are displayed in the Technical Alarm area.
Technical alarms related to NIBP measurement are displayed in the NIBP Technical Alarm area at the bottom
of NIBP parameter area.
• The Physiological Alarm area is on the upper right part of the screen. The Technical Alarm area is to the left
side of the Physiological Alarm area.
• The concrete presentation of each alarm prompt is related to the alarm level.
Screen Display
When an alarm occurs,the parameter value triggering the alarm will become red. "*" signal appears on
the screen indicating the occurrence of alarm. Red "***" indicates high-level alarm, yellow "**" indicates
medium-level alarm, and yellow "*" indicates low-level alarm. Technical alarm will not prompts "*" signal.
Lamp light
The high/medium/low-level alarms are indicated by the system in following different visual ways:
Alarm level
Alarm Sound
The high/medium/low-level alarms are indicated by the system in following different audio ways:
Alarm level
When alarms of different levels occur at the same time, the monitor prompts the one of the highest level.
Alarm Setup
The setup of the alarms can be realized in the alarm menu.
Press the "ALARM SETUP" button on the SYSTEM SETUP menu to call up "ALARM SETUP" menu (default
menu) as shown below.
Figure 4-1 Alarm Setup
Visual prompt
Alarm indicator flashes in red with high frequency.
Alarm indicator flashes in yellow with low frequency.
Alarm indicator lights on in yellow.
Audio prompt
Mode is "DO-DO-DO------DO-DO, DO-DO-DO------DO-DO", which is triggered once
every 8 seconds.
Mode is "DO-DO-DO", which is triggered once every 8 seconds.
Mode is "DO-", which is triggered once every 8 seconds.