For getting 1 mv calibrated ECG wave, choose ECG CAL button in ECG SETUP menu. A message "when
CAL, can't monitor! " prompts on the screen.
Figure 11-4 Standard ECG Waveform
Do not touch the patient, table nearby, or the equipment during defibrillation.
11.4 eCG Screen Hot Keys
Figure 11-5 The Hot Key For ECG
1 Leads of channel 1:
1) The selectable leads are I, II, III, aVR, aVL,aVF, V.
2) When the ECG is 5-lead, the selectable leads are: I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF; V. when ECG is 3-lead,
the selectable leads are: I,II,III.
3) Leads on the ECG wave must not have the same name. Otherwise, the system will automatically
change the ECG waveform name that has the same name as the waveform being currently adjusted
to another name.
2 Waveform gain of channel 1: used to adjust the size of ECG waveforms
Select gain value for each channel from ×0.25,×0.5,×1,×2,×4. A 1mv scale displays on each ECG channel's
one side. The height of 1mV bar is directly proportional to the waveform amplitude.
When the input signals are too large, the peak of the waveform may be not able to be displayed. In this case
the user may manually change the setup method of ECG waveform according to the actual waveform so as
to avoid the occurrence of the unfavorable phenomena.
3 Filter method: used for displaying clearer and more detailed waveform
There are three filter modes for selection. DIAGNOSTI, MONITOR and SURGERY modes may reduce per
turbance and interference from Electrosurgery equipment. The filter method is the item applicable for both
channels, which is always displayed at the waveform place of the channel 1 ECG waveform.
Only in Diagnosis mode, the system can provide non-processed real signals. In Monitor or Surgery mode,