shown in Fig. 16C, prompting the user to continue to the next step.
Figure 16C Hidden Weights: selecting position P2
7 Turn the wheel to the position in which you wish to apply the second outer weight
(P2) and press
To select the exact position of the weight P2 relative to the Pe unbalance, use 3 o'clock
as a reference if the "H3" configuration is active, or 6 o'clock if the "H6" configuration
is active, or 12 o'clock if the "H12" configuration is active.
The angle between P1 and P2 must be less than 120° and must include the outer
weight Pe.
8 If the angle selected is greater than 120°, the machine displays Fig. 16D for approxi-
mately 3 seconds to indicate that the procedure described in step 7 must be repeated
correctly. If the angle selected is less than 120°, the machine immediately displays
the value for the weight P2. The LED
den Weight" programme is active.
Figure 16D Hidden Weights: Incorrect P2 weight position.
Manually turn the wheel, the two unbalance values calculated are displayed in
alternation on the display regarding the outer side as the angular position of the
wheel changes.
10 Apply each of the two balancing weights as described in the chapter "ALU 1P, 2P
11 Once the Hidden Weights programme procedure is complete, you may continue
working with any other programme.
The HIDDEN WEIGHT function is combined with the SHIFT PLANES function to allow
balancing weights which are multiples of 5 grams to be used.
EM 7240 Operator's manual
to confirm.
will remain on to show that the "Hid-