9.1 Warranty
ZF HURTH MARINE warrants its type
ZFM Reversing Marine Transmission
to be free from defects in material and
work-manship under normal use and
maintenance, provided that this war-
ranty shall apply if, and only if, the
equipment has been properly installed
and operated.
The obligation of ZF HURTH MARINE
under this warranty shall be limited to
the replacement or repair, at its choice,
of any part or parts found to be defec-
tive by ZF HURTH MARINE upon its
examination of same, provided that the
part or parts are returned to the near-
est official ZF HURTH MARINE dis-
tributor, freight prepaid, within the time:
Twenty-four (24) months from date of
commissioning or thirty-six (36) months
from date of delivery to engine manu-
facturer, whichever occurs first.
The obligations of ZF HURTH MARINE
under this warranty as set forth herein
shall also be subject to compliance by
the distributor or engine manufacturer
who has purchased the product with
the Warranty Procedures which is
made a part of this warranty.
All warranties shall run to distributors
and engine manufacturers who have
purchased the type ZF Reversing Ma-
rine Transmission. This warranty shall
not apply to any part or parts which
have been repaired or altered, without
the prior written consent of an official
This warranty shall not apply if the prod-
uct or any of its components or parts
have been subject to misuse, abuse,
negligence, alteration, or accident, or
have not been operated in accordance
with printed instructions of ZF HURTH
MARINE or has been operated under
conditions more severe than, or other-
wise exceeding, those set forth in the
specifications for said product, or has
been improperly installed or reinstalled,
or improperly maintained and operated.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of all
other warranties expresses or implied
merchantability and fitness for use and
of all other obligations including with-
out limitation, consequential damages,
and ZF HURTH MARINE neither as-
Operating Manual ZF 4-1 M / ZF 30 M
sumes nor authorizes any other per-
son to assume for ZF HURTH MA-
RINE, any other liability in connection
with the sale of the ZFM REVERSING
ZF HURTHMARINE shall in no event
be liable for any breach of warranty in
an amount exceeding the purchase
price of the ZFM RE-VERSING MA-