G B D E f r I t E s s E N L P t f I D K N o G r P L H u c Z s
D E f r I t E s s E N L P t f I D K N o G r P L H u c Z s
INstructIoNs for usE
Kartuša ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 je namenjena za uporabo samo v kombinaciji s sistemom ASP
The ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge is intended to be used only in combination with the ASP
GLOSAIR™ 400 za razkuževanje površin v okoljih, kot so bolnišnice, zdravstvene ustanove,
GLOSAIR™ 400 System for decontamination of surfaces in environments such as hospitals,
komercialne in industrijske stavbe.
healthcare, commercial and industrial facilities.
Kartušo ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 morate uporabljati v skladu z navodili za uporabo, ki so navedena
The ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge must be used according to the instructions described in the
v uporabniškem priročniku, priloženem sistemu ASP GLOSAIR™ 400.
User Manual supplied with the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 System.
Sistem ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 iz kartuše ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 v prostor razprši 6 ml/m³
The ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 System releases 6ml/m³ of solution from the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400
raztopine s povprečno učinkovitostjo 30 ml / minuto. Zahtevani čas stika za učinkovito
Cartridge into the room with an average output of 30 ml/ minute. The required contact time for
razkužitev po končanem pršenju je dve uri.
effective decontamination after the complete diffusion is two hours.
6 % vodikov peroksid.
5 - 6% hydrogen peroxide and 50 ppm silver cations.
DIrEctIoNs for usE
1. korak
Rdeča pika na kartuši ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 mora biti poravnana z rdečo piko na sistemu
Step 1
ASP GLOSAIR™ 400. Vstavite kartušo ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 v prostor za kartušo na sistemu
Align the red dot on the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge with the red dot on the ASP
GLOSAIR™ 400 System. Insert the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge into the cartridge
chamber of the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 System.
2. korak
Počakajte, da bo sistem prepoznal kartušo ASP GLOSAIR™ 400. Če se sporočilo o
Step 2
identifikaciji ali zavrnitvi ne pokaže, ponovite 1. korak. Če p epoznava kartuše ASP
Wait for the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge to be identified by the system. If the dentification
GLOSAIR™ 400 ni uspešna, uporabite drugo kartušo. Do napake lahko pride zaradi
or rejection message does not appear, repeat step 1. If the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge
pretečenega ali nezdružljivega izdelka.
identification fails, use another cartridge. Identification fai re could be caused by an expired
product or an incompatible product.
3. korak
Kartušo ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 obrnite v smeri urinega kazalca in jo zaklenite na svoje
Step 3
mesto. Rdeča pika na kartuši mora biti poravnana s simbolom ključavnice na sistemu ASP
Turn the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge clock-wise and lock into place. Ensure the red dot on
the cartridge is aligned with the lock symbol on the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 System.
Step 4
4. korak
Remove the air vent sticker.
Odstranite nalepko zračnika.
Step 5
5. korak
Wait for the solution from ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 Cartridge to flow into the tank.
Počakajte, da bo raztopina iz kartuše ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 pritekla v rezervoar.
Step 6
The display panel on the ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 System will show the main menu screen once
6. korak
the tank is filled.
Prikazna plošča na sistemu ASP GLOSAIR™ 400 bo kazala zaslon z glavnim menijem, ko bo
rezervoar napolnjen.
Navodila za uporabo/GLO40001/V3/29032012 - Vse pravice pridržane - Ponatis ni dovoljen - ©2012