When the water purifier has been installed and flushed according to the instructions, it is ready to be used. The water purifier has
an electronic control system which makes it easy to use. Remember the following:
Change the filter when filter replacement is indicated on the control panel (2 - 3 times/year).
Clean the purifier when the flow has reduced by 50%.
Production of pure water
To start pure water production:
Press the button on the faucet once. The water puri-
fier produces pure water until the button is pressed
again. See fig. A.
Hold the button pressed. The water purifier produces
pure water until the button is released. See fig. A.
The indicator lights on the control panel and the
faucet indicate status and water quality.
The lights on the control panel indicate the following, see fig. B:
ON (green)
FILTER (flashing yellow)
FILTER (yellow)
SERVICE (flashing yellow)
SERVICE (yellow)
The indicator light on the faucet indicates the following, see
fig. A:
Green light
Yellow light
Flashing yellow light
It can take up to 120 seconds before good water
quality is indicated on the pure water faucet.
The water purifier is most efficient when producing
pure water for longer periods, e.g. filling a whole jug
rather than a drinking glass.
Automatic flushing
When the combined drawing time has been longer
than 60 seconds, an automatic flush is performed.
If pure water production has lasted for more than 2
hours, the water purifier automatically stops, flushes
and goes into standby mode. The flushing procedure
takes 5 minutes and cannot be interrupted.
When the water purifier is connected to water and
electricity, flushing is automatically performed 6
hours after the most recent flush.
The purifier is connected.
Replace filter.
Emergency stop because
filter replacement has not
been carried out.
Warning of deterioration in
water quality.
Emergency stop due to
deterioration in water
Good water quality.
Unsatisfactory water quality.
Control panel attracting your