Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Never attempt to remove the radiator
cap when the engine is hot.
1. Radiator cap
4. Remove the coolant drain bolt and its
gasket to drain the cooling system.
1. Coolant drain bolt
2. Gasket
5. After the coolant is completely drained,
thoroughly flush the cooling system with cle-
an tap water.
6. Install the coolant drain bolt and its new
gasket, and then tighten the bolt to the spe-
cified torque.
Tightening torque:
Coolant drain bolt:
11 N·m
6 - 14
7. Pour the specified amount of the recom-
mended coolant into the radiator and reser-
Antifreeze/water mixture ratio:
Recommended antifreeze:
High-quality ethylene glycol antifreeze
containing corrosion inhibitors
for aluminum engines
Coolant quantity:
Radiator (including all routes):
2.4 L
Coolant reservoir (up to the maximum
level mark):
0.3 L
8. Install the coolant reservoir cap.
9. Install the radiator cap.
10. Start the engine, let it idle for several mi-
nutes, and then turn it off.
11. Remove the radiator cap to check the coo-
lant level in the radiator.
If necessary, add sufficient coolant until it re-
aches the top of the radiator, and then install
the radiator cap.
12. Check the coolant level in the reservoir.
If necessary, remove the coolant reservoir cap,
add coolant to the maximum level mark, and
then install the cap.
13. Start the engine, and then check the vehi-
cle for coolant leakage.