9. Slave Power Supplies
If the power supplied by the power supply is not enough to feed all the control units installed, the installation can be expanded using slave
power supplies.
To calculate the number of power supplies necessary for an installation consult document
It is recommended that the power supply connection be bus or cascade, rigging the connection hose from the end of each group of control
units to the next group (see diagram e4.2, e4.3 and e4.4).
In terms of electricity, a star connection is also possible as long as the terminal wiring is adhered to exactly as shown in the diagrams.
The primary power supply feeds the sound input and control unit as well as the first group of control units.
The primary power supply for the 90 Series (see diagram e4.2) is model 11297, which is connected with the 091x1 sound input via
terminals 1, 4, 03. The feed to the first group of control units (terminal 2) comes from the 091x1 sound input itself.
The primary power supply for the rest of the series (see diagram e4.3 and e4.4) can be model 11295, 11296, 11299 or 11204. The
primary power supply is connected to the sound input and control unit (models 31191/92/93 or 41491/92) via terminals 1, 4, 02 03.
Power on of the primary power supply (terminal 02) is commanded from the sound input and control unit. The feed to the first
group of control units (terminal 2) comes from power supply unit 11295/96/99/04.
Use models 11295, 11296, 11299 or 11204 as slave power supplies for all the series. Power on (terminal 02) comes from the feeder cable
(terminal 2) of the power supply that precedes it. Each slave power supply provides voltage to a group of control units (terminals 2 and 4).
Wire 03 is only connected to the sound input and control unit and the power supply where a remote control socket is to be installed.
10. Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers
All 90 Series, New 100 Series, and 400 Series control units are magnified and can directly handle 1W and 1.5W powered loudspeakers,
depending on the model.
If more power is required the control unit and loudspeakers connection in the original diagram can be substituted for one of the options
included in the corresponding diagrams (e4.5, e4.6, e4.7, e4.8, e4.9).
Any control unit (mono, stereo, or stereo set to mono) can handle a mono or stereo loudspeaker installation. To configure a stereo control
unit to mono, consult the appropriate
Note that a straight stereo signal will only be noticeable in stereo control units with stereo loudspeaker distribution. In the rest of the
combinations, the signal heard in all the loudspeakers is the sum of the left and right channels.
Amplifier 13102 audio lines out determine the number of loudspeakers, horns or baffles that can be connected as long as the equivalent
impedance from the series/parallel association of loudspeakers equals the amplifier output impedance (see diagrams e4.5 and e4.6):
Mono configuration (connection between terminals I+, D-): output impedance = 8 ohms
Stereo configuration (connection between terminals I+, I- left channel, D+, D- right channel): output impedance = 4 ohms
Similarly power amplifier 13203 audio lines out determine the number of loudspeakers, horns or baffles that can be connected (see
diagrams e4.7 and e4.8):
Mono configuration (connection between terminals I, D): output impedance = 16 ohms
Stereo configuration (connection between terminals I, C left channel, D, C right channel): output impedance = 8 ohms
To connect to other power amplifiers (see figure e4.9), use outputs 05 and 06 of the control unit and lead the common connection to the
installation mass (wire 4). In the Installation Menu of the program control unit, the output option with the value LINE.
To connect to the loudspeakers use cables with a minimum section of 0.5 mm, depending on the impedance and the distance.
11. Installations with Oqulto
To connect Oqulto sound diffusers to any of the 90 Series, New 100 Series, and 400 Series control units (see diagrams e4.9, e4.10),
substitute the loudspeaker connections in the original diagram and keep the rest of the control unit connections:
Each Oqulto 15801 sound diffuser must be installed with equalized amplifier 13185. The type of material must also be selected
(plaster, plaster-board or mineral fiber).
In a mono installation (diagram e4.9) connect control unit output terminal 05 (left channel) to terminal 05 of all 13185 amplifiers.
In a stereo installation (diagram e4.10) connect control unit output terminal 05 (left channel) to terminal 05 of the 13185 amplifier
installed as the left loudspeaker and connect control unit output terminal 06 (right channel) to terminal 05 of amplifier 13185
installed as the right loudspeaker.
If (optionally) subwoofer 15522 is installed with its 13181 amplifier, connect terminals 05 and 06 to control unit outputs 05 and 06
respectively, whether the installation is mono or stereo.
Any control unit (mono, stereo, or stereo set to mono) can handle a mono or stereo loudspeaker distribution installation. To
configure a stereo control unit to mono, consult the appropriate
Note that a straight stereo signal will only be noticeable in stereo control units with stereo loudspeaker distribution. In the rest of
the combinations, the signal heard in all loudspeakers (left and right) is the sum of the left and right channels.
IMPORTANT: Depending on the number of amplifiers connected in the installation it may be necessary to use slave power
supplies (models 11295, 11296, 11204).
User and Installation Manual
CC-1068 Power Supply Calculation Manual.
User and Installation Manual.