c) Alarm conditions and alarm signals
Alarm messages related to ventilation parameters
Alarm messages may appear during ventilation when the ventilation parameters exceed the threshold values and
are persistently outside the ranges given below
The screen shows the alarms in the alarm signal display area (lower part of the screen) as a message and in the same
way for both the basic and advanced interface
The alarm messages concern:
The tidal volume (Vt):
Alarm conditions
Insufficient volume
Excessive volume
In continuous resuscitation mode the alarm condition is calculated based on the trend value of the
volumes If the trend value and the current value of the tidal volume are as described in the table above,
the tidal volume alarm is triggered
In 30:2 CPR mode the alarm condition is calculated based on the mean value of the tidal volumes during
two consecutive ventilation cycles
The ventilatin frequency (Freq.):
Alarm conditions
Low frequency
No breaths for 9 seconds
(continuous mode)
If the pause time (time between the end
Low frequency
of expiration in one cycle and the start of
(30:2 mode)
insufflation in the next cycle) is greater than 24
High frequency
> 15 bpm
In continuous resuscitation mode the frequency is calculated based on the trend value of the ventilation
frequency If the trend value and the current value of the frequency are as described in the table above,
the ventilation frequency alarm is triggered
In 30:2 CPR mode the alarm condition is calculated based on the actual value of the pause time
Alarm conditions
Important leakage
Patient height
Tidal volume value
< 225 mL
< 285 mL
< 350 mL
> 430 mL
> 565 mL
> 710 mL
Ventilation frequency value
Leakage value
Depending on the cause of the leakage, several solutions are
possible (non-exhaustive list):
o Reposition the tracheal tube if the patient is improperly
intubated (selective intubation, tube not deep enough inside
> 40 %
the trachea) or inflate the bag more if the ventilation circuit is
not properly sealed
o Reposition the mask properly on the patient's face to ensure
that the ventilation circuit is properly sealed
o Completely free the patient's airways
Insufflate a volume of air within the
appropriate range as defined in the
international guidelines
Ventilate the patient at an
appropriate frequency, as
recommended in the international