1. Wean the patient by following the steps in the previous section.
2. Leave the Impella RP
Reduce the P-level to P-1, pull the catheter into the inferior vena cava (approximately 30 to
40 cm), and wait until ACT drops below 150.
3. When ACT is below 150 seconds and patient hemodynamics remain stable, decrease
P-level to P-1, pull the catheter into the inferior vena cava if it is not already there, and stop
the motor by reducing the P-level to P-0.
4. Remove the Impella RP
5. Disconnect the connector cable from the Automated Impella
controller off by pressing the power switch on the side of the controller for 3 seconds.
6. Close the blood vessel.
The information and instructions in this section of the manual are not intended to supersede
established medical procedures concerning patient care. Best practice, as determined by the medical
community, should always be observed. In each case, the clinician must determine whether the
application of information provided is appropriate for the particular clinical setting.
• Do not raise the head of the bed to higher than a 30-degree angle.
• Use knee immobilizer as needed to maintain access site straight.
• Perform dressing changes per hospital protocol, using aseptic technique.
• Assess access site for bleeding and hematoma.
• Assess access site for infection.
• Be careful not to pull on the Impella RP
to another.
• Use care when moving or turning a patient; the Impella RP
position and cause a positioning alarm.
• Assess lower extremity for DVT. The institutions should follow their own protocols on DVT
prevention such as using compression devices on lower extremities and/or regular ultrasound
of the legs while an indwelling vein catheter is in place.
in the pulmonary artery at P-2 until ACT drops below 150
Catheter and introducer.
Catheter when transferring a patient from one bed
Controller and turn the
Catheter may move out of
User Manual