Structure in gal vanised and RAL 9018 painted s teel plate, c oated
on the i nside with sound-abs orbing panelling.
Scroll-type hermetic rotary compress ors complete with internal
thermal protecti on and guard resistances acti vated automatic ally when
the unit s tops (as long as the unit remains power ed electricall y).
Plate type heat-exc hangers in stainless s teel with clos ed-cell
expanded pol yur ethane foam ins ulation compl ete with anti-freez e
elements .
Differential pressur e s witch on the primary heat exchanger for
TCHEY models, on the pri mar y heat exc hanger and on the rej ection
device for the THHEY models to protect the unit from any interrupti ons
of the water flow.
Male threaded hydraulic connec tions .
Refrigerant circuit realised with pipes welded using val uabl e alloys .
Compl ete with: reversing valve (THHEY), filter drier, thermostatic val ve
(n° 2 for THHEY models), non-return valves (THHEY), load
connections, s afety press ure s witch on the high pressure side with
manual r earm, press ure s witch on the low pressure side with automatic
rearm, from model 122 to 240 val ve/and s afety, liquid indic ator and
isolation of the intake line.
Rejection devic e circuit realised with pipes wel ded using val uable
alloys . Complete with: manual air vent and drain val ve.
Primar y circuit realised with pipes welded using val uabl e alloys .
Compl ete with: manual air vent and drain val ves .
Unit with IP21 protection rating.
compatibl e with Adapti veF unc tion Plus.
○ The unit is c omplete with the R410A refrigerant charge.
Set-up without pump and without hydraulic acc essories.
P1 – Set-up with pump.
P2 – Set-up with pump with increas ed static pressur e.
PS1 – Set-up with pump r egulated with sourc e side phase cut (to use
with geothermal probes on TCHEY and THHEY and Dr y Cooler on
TCHEY) to control the c ondensati on temperature in the s ummer
functi oning mode.
The set-ups P1 and P2 also envision in the primar y circuit: expansi on
tank, safety valve (3 Barg), water gauge, filling val ve, drain val ve and
manual bleed valves. T he PS1 set- up is c omplete with drain val ves and
manual bleed valves.
The TCHEYP and THHEYP include an integrated circul ating pump in
the primar y side insi de the machine.
Electric control board accessibl e by openi ng the front panel,
conforming to current IEC nor ms, can be opened and closed with a
suitabl e tool.
Compl ete with:
electric wiring set-up for the power s uppl y voltage ( 400V-3ph+N-
auxiliary power suppl y 230V-1ph-N-50Hz drawn from the mai n
power suppl y;
general isolator, c omplete with door interloc ki ng isolator;
automatic compr essor protecti on s witc h;
protecti on fuse for auxiliar y circuit;
compressor power contactor;
Automatic s witch for pump pr otecti on (three-phas e pump onl y);
Pump power c ontactor (three-phas e pump onl y);
remote unit c ontrol.
Programmable circuit board with microproc essor, c ontrolled by the
keyboard ins erted in the machine.
This circuit board perfor ms the following functions:
Regulation and management of the outl et water temperature s et-
points ; of c ycle reversal (THCEY); of the safety timer del ays; of the
circulating pump; of the compr essor and s ystem pump hour-run meter;
of the electronic anti-freeze protection whic h cuts in automaticall y when
the mac hine is s witched off; and of the func tions which c ontrol the
operations of the indi vi dual parts making up the machi ne;
complete protection of the unit, automatic emergenc y s hutdown and
display of the alarms which have been ac tivated;
phas es sequenc e monitor for compress or protection;
unit protec tion against l ow or high phase power suppl y voltage;
visual indic ation of the pr ogrammed set-points vi a the display; of the
in/out water temperature via the displ ay; of the alarms via the display;
and of c ooling/heat-pump operating mode vi a displ ay;
self-diagnosis with continuous monitoring of the func tioni ng of the
user interface menu;
alarm c ode and descripti on;
alarm histor y management (menu protected by manufactur er
pass word).
The followi ng is memorized for each alarm:
date and time of inter venti on (if the KSC accessor y is present);
alarm c ode and descripti on;
inlet/outlet water temperatur es when the alar m intervened;
alarm delay time from the s witc h-on of the connected device;
compressor status at moment of alarm;
Advanced functions:
3-way val ve management for domestic hot water.
configured for s erial connec tion (KR S485, KFTT10, KRS232 and
KUSB acc essor y);
user interface menu;
alarm c ode and descripti on;
alarm history management ( menu protected by manufacturer
○ The followi ng is memorized for each alarm:
date and time of inter venti on (if the KSC accessor y is present);
alarm c ode and descripti on;
inlet/outlet water temperatur es when the alar m intervened;
alarm delay time from the s witc h-on of the connected device;
compressor status at moment of alarm;
○ Advanced functions:
configured for s erial connec tion (KR S232 and KUSB acc essor y);
possibility to have a digital input for remote management of double
set-point (contact RHOSS pre-s ales );
possibility to have an analogue input for the scrolling set-point via a 4-
20mA remote signal (contact RHOSS pre-sales );
configured for management of ti me bands and operation parameters
with the possibility of dail y/weekl y operating programs (KSC acc essor y);
chec k-up and monitoring of scheduled maintenance s tatus;
inspecti on of the units assisted by computer;
self-diagnosis with continuous monitoring of the func tioni ng of the
○ Set-point regulation via the Ad aptive Fun ction Plus with two
fixed s et-poi nt (Precision options);
scrolling set-point (Ec onomy option).
Only use origin al spare parts and accessories.
RHOSS S.p.a. shall not be held liab le for damage
caused b y tampering or work carr ied out b y
unauthorised per sonnel or malfunctions cau sed b y
the use of non-original spar e part s or accessories.