First Aid Measures - RHOSS TCHEY 115 Instrucciones De Uso

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Read the follo wing information about the
refrigerants emplo yed car efully.
Adher e scrupulously to the warnings and first aid
procedures indicated belo w.
Identification of the type of refrigerant fluid
 Difluoromethane (HFC 32) 50% by weight
CAS No.: 000075-10-5
 Pentafluoroethane (HFC 125) 50% by weight
CAS No.: 000354-33-6
Identification of the oil type used
The lubricant used in the unit is pol yester oil; pleas e refer to the
indications on the c ompress or data plate.
For further information regarding the features of the
refrigerant and oil u sed, r efer to the safet y data
sheets available from the refrig erant and oil
manufacturer s.
Main Ecological Information Regarding the
Types of Refrigerant Fluids Used
 Persistence, d egradation and environmental impact
Chemical formula
HFC R32 and R125 r efrigerants are the si ngle components whic h,
mixed at 50% , make up R410A. They belong to the hydrofl uoroc arbon
group and are regulated by the Kyoto protocol (1997 and s ubs equent
revisions) as gases that c ontribute to the greenhouse effect. T he
measure of how muc h a given refrigerant is esti mated to c ontribute to
the greenhous e effect is the GWP (Global War ming Potential). The
standard measure for c arbon di oxide (CO
The GWP value assigned to each r efrigerant represents the equi valent
amount in kg of CO
released over a period of 100 years, in order to
have the same greenhouse effect of 1kg refrigerant releas ed over the
same period of ti me.
The R410A mi xture does not c ontain elements that are harmful to the
ozone layer, suc h as chlorine, therefore its ODP (Ozone Depletion
Potential) is zer o (ODP=0).
GW P (over 100 year s)
The h ydrofluorocarbons contain ed in the unit
cannot be r eleased into the atmosph ere as they are
fluids that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
R32 and R 125 are hydrocarbons which decompose relati vel y rapidl y in
the l ower atmos phere (tropos pher e). Decomposition by-produc ts are
highly dispersible and thus have a ver y low c onc entration. They do not
affec t photochemic al smog (that is, they are not cl assified among VOC
vol atile organic compounds, accordi ng to the guidelines established by
the UNECE agreement).
 Effects on effluent treatment
Waste produc ts released into the atmosphere do not produce long-term
water contamination.
 Person al protection/exposur e control
Use protecti ve cl othing and gloves; protect eyes and fac e.
 Professional exposur e limits:
HFC 32
TWA 1000 ppm
HFC 125
TWA 1000 ppm
GW P (over 100 year s)
) the GWP index =1.
 Handling
Users and maintenance per sonnel must be
adequately informed about the risks of handling
potentially toxic substances. Failur e to comply with
the aforesaid indications may cause per sonal injur y
or damage the unit.
Avoid inhal ation of high concentrati ons of vapour. Atmospheric
concentrati on mus t be reduced to a mi nimum and maintained at this
minimum level, well beneath professional expos ure limits . Vapour is
heavi er than air, and thus haz ardous c oncentrati ons may for m clos e to
the floor, where overall ventilation may be poor. In this cas e, ens ure
adequate ventilation. Avoid c ontact with naked flames and hot s urfac es,
which could lead to the for mati on of irritating and toxic decomposition
produc ts. Do not allow the liquid to come i nto c ontact with eyes or s ki n.
 Procedur e in case of accid ental r efriger ant escap e
Ensure adequate personal protec tion ( using means of respiratory
protecti on) during clean-up operations. If the c onditions are s ufficientl y
safe, isolate the s ource of l eak.
If the amount of the s pill is limited, let the material evaporate, as long as
adequate ventilation can be ensur ed. If the s pill is consi derable,
ventilate the area adequatel y.
Contai n the s pilt material with sand, soil, or other suitable non-
absorbent material.
Prevent the liquid from entering drains, sewers, underground facilities or
manhol es, because suffocating vapours may for m.
Main toxicological information on the type
of refrigerant used
 Inhalation
A high atmospheric concentration can c ause anaes thetic effects with
possible loss of conscious ness . Prol onged exposure may lead to
irregular heartbeat and c aus e sudden death.
Higher concentrations may c aus e as phyxi a due to the reduced oxygen
content i n the atmospher e.
 Contact with skin
Splashes of nebulized liquid can produce frostbite. Probabl y not
hazardous if absorbed through the s kin. Repeated or pr olonged contac t
may remove the s kin's natural oils, with c onsequent dr yness, crac ki ng
and der matitis.
 Contact with eyes
Splashi ng liquid may caus e fr ostbite.
 Ingestion
While highly i mprobable, may produc e frostbite.

First aid measures

 Inhalation
Move the person away from the s ource of exposure area, keep him/her
war m and l et hi m/her rest. Administer oxygen if necess ary. Attempt
artificial respiration if breathing has stopped or shows signs of stopping.
In the c ase of c ardiac arrest carr y out heart massage and seek
immediate medical assistanc e.
 Contact with skin
In cas e of contac t with s ki n, was h immediatel y with l ukewar m water.
Thaw tissue usi ng water. Remove c ontaminated clothi ng. Clothing may
stick to the s ki n in c ase of frostbite. If irritation, s welling or blisters
appear, s eek medical assistance.
 Contact with eyes
Rinse immediately using an eyewas h or clean water, keeping eyelids
open, for at leas t ten minutes.
Seek medical assistance.
 Ingestion
Do not induce vomiting. If the injured person is conscious , rinse his/her
mouth with water and make hi m/her drink 200-300 ml of water.
Seek i mmedi ate medical assistance.
 Further medical treatment
Treat s ymptoms and c arry out s upport therapy as indicated. D o not
administer adrenaline or similar s ympathomimetic drugs following
expos ure, due to the ris k of cardi ac arrhythmi a.
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