3 Technical description
Switch-on delay
SmartConnect provides a fixed trigger threshold in the forward current
(30) and reverse current regions (28) and a defined undervoltage trigger
threshold (27) and excess voltage trigger threshold (26).
DC disconnect
The DC disconnect integrated in the relay module (see Fig. 3.1, page 13,
item (4)) is used for the manual DC isolation of a central inverter. When
this is released, it provides a galvanic isolation between the DC inputs and
the DC outputs.
If the DC disconnect is On (lit), the DC main cable is connected.
If the DC disconnect is Off (not lit), the DC main cable is interrupted.
Direct solar irradiation can make the LED indicators difficult to read.
Disconnecting via the DC disconnect does not mean that the
SmartConnect is completely voltage free Even if the DC disconnect is set
to Off, there is voltage present in the following parts:
Series terminals of the strings (see Fig. 3.1, page 13, item (5) and (6)),
Series terminals for auxiliary power supply, external signal transmitters
and external string switch-off system (see Fig. 3.1, page 13, item (7)
and (8)),
DC main connection terminals (see Fig. 3.1, page 13, item (3)),
if several SmartConnect devices are connected to one central
inverter (reverse voltages);
if the input capacities of the connected central inverter are not yet
fully discharged (residual voltages).
The isolation must be checked using technical measurements before any
work is started.
External signal transmitter (optional)
The series terminals (see Fig. 3.1, page 13, item (7)) offer the option to
connect an external signal transmitter for signalling an alarm state to the
SmartConnect. The alarm output is a potential-free signal contact. The
signal contact is open during operation.
If there is a fault on at least one string, the affected string enters the alarm
status, is locked, and the signal contact of the alarm output is closed. The
corresponding LED string status indicator glows red.
External string switch-off system (optional)
The series terminals (see Fig. 3.1, page 13, item (7)) provide the option of
connecting an external switch. This enables the strings of the
SmartConnect to be switched off remotely, and the solar generator can be
separated from the central inverter.
If the strings were activated before the external string switch-off system,
and the interruption was only short:
Waiting time due to switch-on delay before the strings are switched on
again. The LED string status indicators flash green.
Approx. 2 to 3 minutes after the external string switch-off system, the
SmartConnect automatically reactivates the strings.
Operating manual