Extraordinary Maintenance - RHOSS H57603 Instrucciones De Uso

Enfriadoras de agua con condensación de agua y refrigerante ecológico r134a.
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Extraordinary maintenance

It is the group of repair and repl acement oper ations that allow the
mac hines to c onti nue to function in nor mal c onditi ons of use. The
components repl aced must be i dentical to the previous ones, i.e.
equivalent in perfor mance, dimensi ons etc, accordi ng to the
specificati ons s upplied by the manufacturer.
The mainten ance interventions must only be
performed b y qu alified staff from authorised
S.p.A. wor kshops, which are enab led to
operate on this t ype of product.
Pay attention to the danger indication s positioned o
the unit.
Use the I.P.D. envisioned b y the laws in force.
Pay attention to the indications present on the
Always act on the automatic master switch (IG)
positioned to protect the entir e plant before an y
maintenance oper ation, also if only an inspection.
Make sure that no one accid entally supplies po wer
to the machine; lock the automatic master switch
(IG) in the zero position.
Pay attention to the high temper atures at the
compressor heads and on the cooling cir cuit flo w
Important information for correct
extraordinary maintenance.
Follow the instructi ons below to r eplac e a component of the unit's
refrigerant circuit:
Always refer to the wiring diagrams enclosed with the appliance when
replacing elec trically powered c omponents. Always take c are to clearl y
label each wire before disconnecting, in order to avoid making mistakes
later when re-connecting.
When the machine is started up again, al ways go through the
recommended s tart-up proc edure.
Following a maintenance interventi on on the unit, the liquid-humi dity
indicator (LUE) must be kept under c ontr ol. After at leas t 12 functi oning
hours of the machine, the refrigerant circuit mus t be completel y " dry ",
with green c olouring of the LUE, otherwise the filter c artridge must be
Seasonal shutdow n
During long mac hine standstill periods, the unit must be elec trically
isolated by opening the automatic mast er switch (IG) position ed to
protect the entire plant.
To prevent migration of r efrigerant into the compress or with mac hine at
a standstill, it is r ecommended to stor e the refrigerant fluid load in the
condens ation coil via pump-out.
S.p.A. origin al spare parts.
Top-up / Replacement of Refrigerant Charge
Pay maximum attention to the risk o wing to the
high pressur e of the r efriger ant gas.
The units are factor y-tested with the gas charge nec essar y for correct
operation. The amount of gas contai ned inside each i ndi vidual circuit is
indicated on the plate positioned in proximity of the serial number plate
of the unit or, for single circuit units, directly on the s erial number plate.
A: T ype of refrigerant gas
B: Quantity of refrigerant gas
The circuits c an be i dentified via a yellow plate positioned on the
compressor or i n proxi mity of the drier filters.
The follo wing precautions mu st be complied with:
• Empty the s ystem compl etel y. It is mandator y to rec over the fluid
• Make sure the circuit is restored correctl y, operating at leas t two
vac uum phases and cleaning of the circuit with complete elimination of
the acids.
• Compl etel y replace the lubricating oil and the antiacid filters on
compressor intake.
• Final reload of the s ystem.
• On compl etion it is rec ommended to make the unit work for at least
• With the unit running, any top-up of refrigerant fluid c an be
perfor med in the l ow press ure branc h, before the evaporator, usi ng the
pressure points set-up.
• Perform top-up compl ying with the liquid indicator to chec k the cl arity
of the fl uid, with total abs ence of air bubbl es.
• After any mai ntenance operations on the refrigerant circuit and
before restoring the gas charge, wash the s ystem thoroughl y, whic h
envisions the followi ng.
• install an antiacid filter on c ompressor intake and make the unit work
for at l east 24 h;
• chec k the degree of acidity and replace the refrigerant fluid and oil if
necess ary and make the unit work for at least 24 h;
• remove the anti acid filter c artridge.
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