Structural features
o Compact s upport struc ture manufactured in gal vanised steel profiles
and pai nted usi ng pol yester powders (WHITE RAL 9018).
o High efficienc y s emi-hermetic screw compress ors and s pecific ally
devel oped to functi on with R134a gas refrigerant. Compressor s tart-
up is the partwinding or star-triangle type (accordi ng to models) with
peak limited via l oad equaliser and partialisation valve, c omplete
with i ntegral and guard heater protec tion. The compress ors also
have cut-off coc ks on the refrigerant gas flow piping.
o The partialisation of the refrigerator cooling capacity takes place as
in the table below:
Compressor s/step s n°
o User side dr y expansion shell and tube exchanger (evaporator) with
countercurrent heat exchange. Manufac tured in c arbon steel with
internall y s piral grooved copper pipes, complete with water side
differential pressure s witc h, air bleed valve, water dr ain coc k,
Victaulic hydraulic c onnections and closed c ell expanded
pol yurethane r ubber ins ulation with protecti ve fil m agains t U.V.A.
o Disposal side (condenser) carbon s teel shell and tube heat
exc hanger with integral finned copper pipes , compl ete with high
pressure s afety val ve and utility outlet with c oc k on high pressure
circuit of the refrigerant gas. In the versions with heat pump s et-up
(inversion on the water circuit) the c ondensers are covered with
closed c ell expanded pol yurethane r ubber insul ation.
o 5" femal e thr eaded hydr aulic connections .
o Refrigerant circuit realised with annealed copper pipe and welded
with sil ver alloy or A106 steel pipes, complete with: c artridge drier
filter, load connections, high pressur e s witch with manual rearm, gas
passage i ndicator and pres ence of any humidity, el ectronic
expansion val ve, coc k on the liquid line, safety val ves on high
pressure s ections, intake line i nsulation i n clos ed c ell expanded
pol yurethane r ubber ins ulation with protecti ve fil m agains t U.V.A.
o Refrigerant gas high and low pressure manometers, for every
cooling circuit.
o Ecological R134A refrigerant fl uid load.
Circuits n°
Electrical Control Board
o Electric control board i n compliance with IEC Standards, ventilated,
in waterpr oof c asing compl ete with:
• electrical wiring arranged for power suppl y 400V-3ph-50Hz;
• transfor mer for auxiliary circuit;
• 230V-1ph-50Hz auxiliar y power supplies;
• 24V-1ph-50Hz control power s upplies ;
• compressor pr otecti on phases s equence monitor;
• power contactors;
• remote c ontrols: remote ON/OF, doubl e set- point (DSP acc essor y),
summer-wi nter s elector s witc h (onl y TCHVBZ-TCHVIZ in the HPH
• remote mac hine controls: compressor/s func tioni ng light, general
lock light;
• manoeuvre isol ator s witch, with door interlocki ng isolator;
• automatic protecti on s witch on the
• auxiliary circuit;
• protecti on fuse for ever y compressor (optional is the version with
magnetic circuit breakers protec ting eac h c ompressor);
• auxiliary circuit protection fuses.
o Programmable elec tronic boar d with microproc essor, c ontrolled by
the keyboard i nserted in the mac hine, remote controllabl e up to 1000
metres .
• This electronic board performs the following functi ons:
• regulation and management of the temperatures s et of the machine
inlet water (with optional CCL access ory- linear capacity control - the
regulation takes plac e on the basis of the evapor ator outlet water
• management of safety timers; work timer for ever y c ompressor;
automatic inversion of the c ompress ors inter vention sequenc e; the
circulation pump or utility s ervic e (both evaporator and c ondenser
mode); electronic anti-freeze protection; the parti alisation steps; the
functi ons that regulate the i nter vention mode of the i ndi vidual parts
making up the machine;
• management of the electronic expansi on val ve (EEV) with possibility
of reading and displayi ng the intake temperature, the evaporation
pressure, over heating and open state of the val ve.
• display of the: the programmed functioning parameters; the
temperatures of the machine input and output water; the condens ation
pressures; any alar ms;
o Multi-language management (Italian, English, Frenc h, German,
Spanish) of the dis play.
o Management of alar ms log. In particular, the following are
memorised for ever y alarm (onl y if KSC acc essor y is present):
• date and time of inter venti on;
• alarm c ode and descripti on;
• inlet/outlet water temperatur es val ues when the al arm inter vened;
• the c ondensation pressure values at the ti me of the alar m.
• alarm delay time from the s witc h-on of the connected device;
• compressors status at moment of alarm;
• Self-diagnosis with continuous monitoring of the unit functioning
status .
o Advanced functions:
• Set-up for s erial connec tion with RS485 output for communic ation
with main BMS, centralised s ystems and monitoring networks .
• set-up for management of time bands and operati on parameters with
the possibility of dail y/weekl y functioning programs;
• chec k-up and monitoring of scheduled maintenance s tatus;
• computer-assisted unit tes ting;