Main Toxicological Information on the Type
of Refrigerant Used
• Inhalation
Move the person away from the s ource of exposure, keep him/her war m
and let him/her rest. Admi nister oxygen if nec essar y. Attempt artificial
respiration if breathi ng has stopped or shows signs of stopping.
In the c ase of c ardiac arrest carr y out heart massage and seek
immediate medical assistanc e.
A high atmospheric concentration can c ause anaes thetic effects with
possible loss of conscious ness . Prol onged exposure may lead to an
irregular heartbeat and c aus e sudden death.
Higher concentrations may c aus e as phyxi a due to the reduced oxygen
content i n the atmospher e.
• Contact with skin
In cas e of contac t with s ki n, was h immediatel y with l ukewar m water.
Thaw tissue usi ng water. Remove c ontaminated clothi ng. Clothing may
stick to the s ki n in c ase of frostbite. If irritation, s welling or blisters
appear, s eek medical assistance.
Splashes of nebulised liquid can produce frostbite. Probabl y not
hazardous if absorbed through the s kin. Repeated or pr olonged contac t
may remove the s kin's natural oils, with c onsequent dr yness, crac ki ng
and der matitis.
• Contact with eyes
Rinse immediately using an eyewas h or clean water, keeping eyelids
open, for at leas t ten minutes.
Seek medical assistance.
Splashes of liquid may c aus e frostbite.
• Ingestion
Do not induce vomiting. If the injured person is conscious , rinse his/her
mouth with water and make hi m/her drink 200-300 ml of water.
Seek i mmedi ate medical assistance.
While highly i mprobable, may produc e frostbite. First aid procedures
• Further medical treatment
Treat s ymptoms and c arry out s upport therapy as indicated. D o not
administer adrenaline or similar s ympathomimetic drugs following
expos ure, due to the ris k of cardi ac arrhythmi a.
Residual risks that cannot be eliminated
Pay the utmost attention to the signs and symbols
located on the appliance.
If, in s pite of the arrangements used in the design phase, risks remain
in the unit that tec hnicall y c annot be r emoved. Indelible safety
indications ar e displ ayed, whic h identify the potentiall y dangerous parts.
The signs must not be removed for any reason. If, for exampl e, after the
use of aggressive detergents, it is no longer clearly understandable, a
new label must be requested from the Spare- parts Ser vice.
The followi ng figure repres ents the typical layout and relative meaning
of the labels on the machi ne.
Description of commands and controls
The controls are made up from the us er interface panel (ref. 1), the
isolating master s witch (ref. 2 ), the high/low press ure s witch for circuit 1
(ref. 3 ), the high/low pressure s witc h for circuit 2 (ref. 4 ) and the
high/low press ure s witch for circuit 3 (ref. 5).
Models 1201-1231-1281-1311-1351- 1421-1481-1531
Models 2411-2431-2461-2511-2601- 2631-2681-2711-2781-2841-2901-
Models 31301-31351-31401-31461-31521-31591-31631