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Issue 1
Part No. 90500135
Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para NAMCO bee panic

  • Página 1: Operators Manual

  • Página 2: Tabla De Contenido

  • Página 3 8. MAINTENANCE ........................53 8-1 General Cleaning ......................55 8-1-1 Cleaning the Hood ....................55 8-1-2 Cleaning the Target Panel ..................55 8-1-3 Cleaning the Gun Lens ....................55 8-1-4 Cleaning the Fibre Optic Cable ................56 8-2 Error Messages ......................58 8-3 Removing the Target Assemblies ..................60 8-4 Removing the Target PC Board ..................62 8-5 Removing the Target Assy 7-Segment PC Board ............63 8-5 Removing the Target Assy Lamps ................64...
  • Página 4: Safety Warning

    This equipment is for indoor use only and should only be used for the purpose intended. Namco Europe Ltd. bears no responsibility for accidents, injury or damage resulting from unauthorized changes to, or improper use of this equipment.
  • Página 5: Moving The Equipment

    Do not make any alteration to this equipment without prior approval. Doing so could cause unforeseeable danger. l l l l l Only parts specified by Namco Europe Ltd. should be used when replacing parts. (Including screws) l l l l l Ensure that the power to the equipment is turned OFF before commencing any maintenance work.
  • Página 6: Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise

    (Suchsysteme), die Weitergabe oder sonstiges Kopieren für den gewerblichen und privaten Gebrauch sind untersagt und bedürfen der vorherigen Genehmigung durch NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED. Die informationen in diesem Handbuch entsprechen den Tatsachen bei Drucklegung. NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED behält sich jedoch das Recht zu Änderungen ohne vorherige Bekanntgabe vor.
  • Página 7 Es dürfen keierlei Veränderungen ohne vorherige Genehmigung am Gerät vorgenommen werden. Zuwiderhandlungen stellen eine Gefahrenquelle dar. l l l l l Für die Repartur dürfen nur Originalersatzteile (incl. Schrauben) von NAMCO EUROPE LTD. verwendet werden. l l l l l Vor Beginn aller Wartungsarbeiten (Fehlersuche, Reparaturen etc.) muß...
  • Página 8: Generelle Sikkerhedsovervejelser

    Denne rnaskine er kun til indendørs brug og bør kun bruges til det beregnede formål. Namco Ltd. bærer intet ansvar for ulykker eller skader som er et resultat af uautoriserede ændringer eller fejlagtig brug af denne rnaskine.
  • Página 9 Skift ikke noget på maskinen uden godkendelse, det kan føre til uforudset fare. l l l l l Der bør kun bruges dele specificeret af Namco Europe Limited når der skiftes eller repareres dele (inklusiv skruer). l l l l l Sørg for, at strømmen til maskinen er slukket før der foretages nogen form for arbejde (fejlfinding,...
  • Página 10: Consideraciones Generales De Seguridad

    NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED. Si bien la información contenida en este manual se da de buena fe y es correcta en el momento de su impresión, NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED se reserva el derecho de hacer cambios y alteraciones sin previo aviso.
  • Página 11: Retirar Y Reemplazar Partes Y Unidades

    No realice alteraciones en esta máquina sin aprobación previa. De hacerlo así, pueden causar peligros l l l l l imprevisibles. Sólo deben usarse las partes especificadas por Namco Europe Ltd. para reparaciones o reemplazos (incluidos los l l l l l tornillos).
  • Página 12: Mesures De Securite

    Malgré le fait que les informations contenues dans ce manuel soient données de bonne foi et étaient actualisées au moment de leur impression, NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED se réserve le droit de procéder à des changements ou à des modifications sans avis préliminaire.
  • Página 13 Ne pas apporter de modifications sur cette machine sans autorisation préalable, faute de quoi cela pourrait entraîner un danger. l l l l l Seules les pièces détachées Namco Europe Ltd. doivent être utilsées pour le remplacement ou la réparation de pièces (y compris les vis) l l l l l S’assurer que l’interrupteur soit sor OFF avant de commencer tout travail de maintenance (localisation...
  • Página 14: Εξεταση Γενικησ Ασφαλειασ

    Καθώς αυτές οι πληροφορίες σε αυτ το εγχειρίδιο έχουν δοθεί µε καλή πίστη και ακριβώς την ώρα της τύπωσης , η εταιρεία NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED κρατάει το δικαίωµα να κάνει οποιεσδήποτε αλλαγές χωρίς ειδοποίηση. Τα µηχανήµατα έχουν κατασκευαστεί σύµφωνα µε τους ρους της Ευρωπαϊκής Κοιν τητας , και έχουν ελεγχθεί σύµφωνα µε τους ν µους...
  • Página 15 1m90cm or more 50cm or more 50cm or more l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Play Zone Pathway l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l...
  • Página 16: Considerazioni Generali Sulla Sicurezza

    Quest macchina deve essere usata solo in interni e deve essere usata solo per gli scopi per cui è progettata. Namco Europe Ltd non si assume responsabilità per incidenti, ferite o damni risultanti da cambiamenti non autorizzati o da uso improprio della macchina.
  • Página 17 Quando si rimpiazza o si riparano delle parti (incluse le viti) si possono usare solo parti approvate dalla Namco Europe Ltd. l l l l l Assicurarsi che la macchina sia SPENTA prima di incominciare qualsiasi lavoro di manutenzione (guasti, riparazioni etc.)
  • Página 18: Vanlige Sikkerhetstiltak

    NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED. Da informasjonen i denne manualen er gitt i god tru og var korrekt da den ble utgitt, tillegger NAMCO EUROP LIMITED seg retten til å lage forandringer uten varsel.
  • Página 19 Ikke lag noen forandringer på denne maskinen uten godkjenning. Dette kan medføre uforutsette farer. l l l l l Bare deler spesifisert av Namco Europe Ltd. skal benyttes ved utskifting eller reparasjon av deler (dette gjelder også skruer). l l l l l Forsikre deg om at strømmen er slått av før du påbegynner noe som helst vedlikeholdsarbeid (feilsøking,...
  • Página 20: Algemene Veiligheidsoverwegingen

    Deze machine is alleen bedoeld voor gebruik binnenshuis en dient alleen gebruikt te worden voor bedoelde doeleinden. Namco Ltd. is niet verantwoordelijk voor ongelukken, letsel of schade die voortkomt uit ongeoorloofde veranderingen aan of onjuist gebruik van deze machine.
  • Página 21 Maak geen veranderingen aan deze machine zonder goedkeuring vooraf. Dit kan onvoorzien gevaar opleveren. l l l l l Alleen onderdelen die door Namco Europe Ltd. zijn gespecificeerd dienen gebruikt te worden bij het vervangen of repareren van onderdelen (incl. schroeven). l l l l l Zorg ervoor dat de machine UITgeschakeld is voordat er enig onderhoudswerk wordt verricht (troubleshooting, reparaties etc.)
  • Página 22: Avisos De Segurança

    NAMCO EUROPA LIMITADA. A informação contida neste manual foi fornecida de boa fé, sendo rigorosa na altura da sua publicação. A NAMCO EUROPA LIMITADA, reserva-se o direito de proceder a mudanças e alterações sem qualquer aviso prévio.
  • Página 23 A substituição ou reparação de peças deverá ser feita apenas com peças de origem ou especificadas pela “Namco Europa Ltd.” (incluindo parafusos) l l l l l Certifique-se que a maquina se encontra desligada sempre que iniciar qualquer tipo de trabalho de manutenção.
  • Página 24: Allmänna Säkerhetsbeaktanden

    återvinningssystem, översändas eller på annat sätt kopieras för offentlig eller privat användning, utan tillstånd från NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED. Eftersom informationen i denna manual lämnas ut i god tro och var korrekt när den trycktes, reserverar sig NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED för ändringar.
  • Página 25 Gör inga ändringar på denna maskin utan ett godkännande i förväg. Detta kan förorsaka oförutsägbar fara. l l l l l Endast delar som är specificerade av Namco Europe Ltd. ska användas vid utbyten eller reparation av delar (inklusive skruvar). l l l l l Försäkra dig om att strömmen är avstängd innan underhållsarbete påbörjas (felsökning,...
  • Página 26: Yleiset Turvallisuunäkökodat

    NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED Turvallisuusvaroitus Turvallisuusohjeita on seurattava tarkoin vahinkojen välttämiseksi laitteen ollessa käytössä . Turvallisuusohjeet VAARA “Vaara” tarkoittaa uhkaa, joka voi johtaa loukkantumiseen tai kuolemaan, Älä koskaan ohita Vaara- merkintää, ennenkuin ohjeissa esitetyt olosuhteet on ymmärretty täysin. YLEISET TURVALLISUUNÄKÖKODAT Varmista, että laite on asennettu oikein ja ohjekirjan mukaisesti ennen käyttöönottoa.
  • Página 27 Tälle laitteelle ei saa tehdä mitään hyväksymättömiä muutoksia. Se voi aiheuttaa ennalta-arvaamattomia vaaroja. l l l l l Vain Namco Europe Ltd:n määrittelemiä varaosia saa käyttää vaihtaessasi tai korjatessasi osia. (sisältäen ruuvit). l l l l l Varmista, että laite on kytketty POIS PÄÄLTÄ ennen työn aloittamista.
  • Página 28: Specifications

    1. SPECIFICATIONS 230v / 400watts AC POWER SUPPLY:- AMBIENT OPERATING +5°C to +25°C TEMPERATURE Mars CashFlow - 1 Channel COIN ACCEPTOR:- DIMENSIONS:- Assembled 900(w) x 1590(d) x 2240(h) Lower Cabinet 800(w) x 1520(d) x 970(h) Upper Cabinet 900(w) 440(d) x 1100(h) WEIGHT Assembled 140kg...
  • Página 29: Main Components

    2. MAIN COMPONENTS Target Assemblies 7 -segment score displays Signboard Assy Target Assy 9 Target Target Assy 8 Assy 10 Target Target Target Panel Assy 6 Assy 7 Target Target Assy 4 Assy 5 Target Target Assy 3 Assy 1 Payout Payout Payout...
  • Página 30: How To Play

    3. HOW TO PLAY This is a gun shooting prize dispensing game. A player uses the gun to battle with ten bees. Each time the player shoots a bee in the display panel, the points indicated below that bee are added to the player’s score. The game can dispense two types or normal prize and one type of special prize.
  • Página 31: Moving The Machine

    4. MOVING THE MACHINE This equipment is fitted with castors to make it easier to move. Take care when moving the equipment on an inclined floor. The overall height of this equipment is 2240mm. Take care of any overhead obstructions. (e.g. Light Fittings, Electric Cables etc.) Separating the Cabinet The Upper Cabinet weighs approx.
  • Página 32 Slowly tilt the Upper Cabinet backwards, while supporting the edge of the Upper Cabinet on the Lower Cabinet. Upper Cabinet Assy When the Upper Cabinet is level, remove the Upper Cabinet. Upper Cabinet Assy Lower Cabinet Assy Page 32...
  • Página 33: Installation

    5. INSTALLATION This machine is designed for INDOOR USE ONLY. Do not install in the following places. Outdoors Direct Sunlight, places with excessive humidity or dust, places where there is water leakage, near air-conditioning or heating equipment, places with excessive heat or cold temperature. Places where it would be in the way of emergency exits or fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Página 34 CETTE MACHINE EST DESTINEE UNIQUEMENT A UN USAGE INTERIEUR NE PAS INSTALLER LA MACHINE DANS LES ENDROITS SUIVANTS A l’extérieur. Directement exposée au soleil, aux endroits excessivement humides ou poussiéreux, aux endroits où il y a des risques de fuite d’eau, près de ventilateurs ou source de chaleur, aux endroits très chauds ou froids.
  • Página 35 DEZE MACHINE IS ALLEEN VOOR GEBRUIK BINNENSHUIS ONTWORPEN INSTALLEER DE MACHINE NIET OP DE VOLGENDE PLAATSEN Buiten In direct zonlicht, op plaatsen met een zeer hoge vochtigheidsgraad of met veel stof, op plaatsen waar een waterlek is, dichtbij airco’s of verwarmingsapparatuur, op plaatsen met een zeer hoge of koude temperatuur.
  • Página 36: Notes On Installation

    Notes on Installation l l l l l WARNING • NEVER turn the power to the machine ON until installation has been completed. l l l l l WARNING • In order to prevent possible electric shocks, be sure that the machine is connected to the mains with a securely connected earthed plug.
  • Página 37: Assembling The Backboard

    Assembling the Backboard Assemble the Logo Panel by following the diagrams below. Backboard Double-sided adhesive tape Page 37...
  • Página 38: Assembling The Logo Panel

    Assembling the Logo Panel Logo Panel Attaching the Logo Panel and Backboard Backboard Signboard Assy Logo panel Upper Cabinet Assy Page 38...
  • Página 39: Prizes

    6. PRIZES After pushing a prize item forward, the prize dispensing sensors check whether the prize item has been dispensed at the prize outlet, so prizes can be hung on the Payout Assemblies at intervals to suit the prizes. To prevent two or more prizes being dispensed due to a prize dispensing sensor malfunction, there is a setting for activating a prize dispense error if a prize dispense has not been detected after a certain number of dispensing operations.
  • Página 40 Special Prize Items (for the right handed Payout Assembly viewed from the front.) Weight: 300g or less per item Each payout assembly can hold prize items totalling 3kg in weight. Size: Maximum: 200mm(l) x 200mm(w) x 200mm(h) Minimum: 10mm(l) x 50mm(w) x 50mm(h) 50mm 250mm 50mm...
  • Página 41: Preparing Prize Items

    Preparing Prize Items The game uses prizes with hanging strings. When using prizes without strings, use a nylon string as a loop to hang prizes. The string length and dimension of each prize, including the string, must be as specified below. String length 30 to 50mm or more...
  • Página 42 Hang the Prizes on each Payout Assembly. Payout Assemblies for Normal prize items Payout Assembly for Special prize items Close and lock the Cover. Do not squeeze prize items too closely on the Payout Assemblies. Space prize items to prevent them from pushing each other. If the hanging interval of prizes is large, and the prize has not been dispensed within the set number of dispensing operations, a “no prize item”...
  • Página 43: Adjustments

    7. ADJUSTMENTS Adjustment or maintenance on this machine should be carried out by qualified personnel only. Einstellungen und Wartung des Gerätes dürfen nur von dafür qualifiziertem Fachpersonal vorgenommen werden. Justeringer eller vedligehold af denne maskine bør kun udføres af kvalificeret personale. Los ajustes y el mantenimiento de esta máquina deben ser realizados sólo por personal cualificado.
  • Página 44: Adjustment Switches

    Adjustment Switches The Adjustment switches are located inside the coin door. Service Switch. Press this switch to obtain game credits without incrementing the play meter. Test Switch Slide the test switch ON to enter test mode. Test mode allows testing and the changing of game settings. (Refer to section 7- 2 "Test Mode"...
  • Página 45: Test Mode

    Test Mode Open the coin door and slide the test switch “ON”. The 7-segment display indicates the name of the current Test. Each time the Select switch is pressed the test steps through in the following order. (1) Output Test (2) Input Test (I c c c c c (3) Dispensing Operation Counter (p...
  • Página 46: Input Test

    c c c c c 7-2-2 Input Test When this test is selected, the following switches and sensors can be checked. To discontinue this test and step to the next test press the Select switch. • Each time a credit signal is sent from the CashFlow, a sound is produced and the number shown on the 7-segment display of Target Assy 6 increments by one from “00”...
  • Página 47: Payout Motor Test

    c c c c c 7-2-5 Payout Motor Test This Test allows the checking of the Payout Motors and Payout Sensors. To discontinue this test and step to the next test press the Select switch. While this Test is selected, the Selection switches 1 and 2 and the Challenge •...
  • Página 48: Using The Setting Modes

    Using the Setting Modes Open the coin door and slide the test switch “ON” while pressing the Select switch. The 7-segment display indicates the name of the current Adjustment Mode. Each time the Select switch is pressed the test steps through in the following order. Game Price Setting ( c c c c c Play Time Setting (...
  • Página 49: Game Price Setting

    7-3-1 Game Price Setting This item sets the number of credit signals from the CashFlow required for 1 game. Use Select switch 1 or 2 to change the setting value. When in Free Game Mode, a free game can be started by pulling the trigger of the gun during the attract mode.
  • Página 50: Continued Game Play Time Setting

    (c c c c c n n n n n 7-3-4 Continued Game Play Time Setting This item sets the number of plays provided for 1 continued game. Use Select switch 1 or 2 to change the setting value. (n n n n n ) 7-3-5 Normal Stage Difficulty Setting This item sets the difficulty level of the normal stage game.
  • Página 51: Attract Sound Setting

    (a a a a a ) 7-3-7 Attract Sound Setting This item sets the sound ON or OFF during the attract mode. Use Select switch 1 or 2 to change the setting value. (pe pe pe pe pe) 7-3-8 No Prize Item Error Setting This item sets the number of prize forwarding operations of the prize dispense motor that can occur, without detecting a prize being dispensed, before the no prize error is activated.
  • Página 52: Payout Assy Error Setting

    (pa pa pa pa pa) 7-3-10 Payout Assy Error Setting This setting disables the use of Payout Assy 1 or 2. If a Payout Assy malfunctions, disabling a Payout Assy allows temporary operation of the game. The prize items on the disabled Payout Assy cannot be selected. Ensure that any faulty Payout Assy is replaced as soon as possible.
  • Página 53: Maintenance

    8. MAINTENANCE Adjustment or maintenance on this machine should be carried out by qualified personnel only. Ensure that the POWER to the machine is turned OFF before commencing any maintenance work. (Trouble shooting, service or repairs etc.) Einstellungen und Wartung des Gerätes dürfen nur von dafür qualifiziertem Fachpersonal vorgenommen werden.
  • Página 54 Aanpassingen of onderhoud aan deze machine dient alleen uitgevoerd te worden door bekwaam personeel. Zorg ervoor dat de machine UITgeschakeld is voordat er enig onderhoudswerk wordt verricht (troubleshooting, reparaties etc.) Afinações ou manutenção nesta maquina, deverão ser efectuadas sómente por pessoal qualificado. Certifique-se que a maquina se encontra desligada sempre que iniciar qualquer tipo de trabalho de manutenção.
  • Página 55: General Cleaning

    General Cleaning 8-1-1 Cleaning the Hood NEVER use any organic solvents, as solvents may cause irreparable damage. Clean both the inside and outside of the hood using a cloth dampened with water or mild detergent. Wipe with a dry cloth to remove any detergent or water from the surfaces. 8-1-2 Cleaning the Target Panel NEVER use any organic solvents, as solvents may cause irreparable damage.
  • Página 56: Cleaning The Fibre Optic Cable

    8-1-4 Cleaning the Fibre Optic Cable l l l l l The Xenon Assy will remain hot and have areas of high voltage even though the equipment has been turned OFF, and there is the possibility of burns or electric shock.
  • Página 57 Never use any solvent products to clean the Fibre Optic Cable as the solvent may cause irreparable damage. • Clean the end of the Fibre-Optic Cable regularly. If the end of the Fibre-Optic Cable becomes dirty, the Target Assys may not detect the light emitted from the Gun Assy, and fail to register a hit correctly.
  • Página 58: Error Messages

    Error Messages When an error is generated, the 7-segment score display indicates an error number, and the game makes an announcement repeatedly to call service personnel. An error can be cancelled by turning the power Off and back ON, or by opening the service door and operating the Test switch ON and OFF.
  • Página 59 Error Motor Location 7-Segment Score Display Payout Motor 1 Error Left Payout Motor 2 Error Centre Payout Motor 3 Error Right Error Motor Location 7-Segment Score Display Prize Sensor 1 Error Left (lengthwise sensor) Prize Sensor 2 Error Centre (lengthwise sensor) Prize Sensor 3 Error Right (lengthwise sensor) Prize Sensor 4 Error...
  • Página 60: Removing The Target Assemblies

    Removing the Target Assemblies Remove the Upper Rear Door. When removing the The Target Assemblies at either end, remove 3off pozi head screws (M5x12) and remove the Side Cover, then remove 2off cap screws (M5x12) to remove the Guard. Cap screw (M5x12) Pozi head screw (M5x12) Side Cover Target Assy...
  • Página 61 Remove 2off cap screw (M4x10) and remove the Target Assy. Target Assy Cap screws (M4x10) Reassemble in reverse order. Page 61...
  • Página 62: Removing The Target Pc Board

    Removing the Target PC Board Remove the Target Assy. (see 8-3 page 60) Remove the Target PC Board by gently pressing the Latch Hooks outwards, and lifting the Target PC Board clear. Target PC Board Target Assy Latch Hooks Reassemble in reverse order. Note: When refitting the Target PC Board, align the pins with the holes in the PC Board, and ensure that the Latch Hooks engage over the PC Board to prevent damage to the light receiving sensor.
  • Página 63: Removing The Target Assy 7-Segment Pc Board

    Removing the Target Assy 7-Segment PC Board Remove the Target Assy. (see 8-3 page 60) Remove 4off pozi head self-tapping screws (M4x10) and separate the Target Assy. Remove the 7-Segment PC Board. Pozi head Target PC Board Pozi head self tapping screw self tapping screw (M4X10) (M4X10)
  • Página 64: Removing The Target Assy Lamps

    Removing the Target Assy Lamps Remove the Lamp Base by pressing down on the latch and tilting the Lamp Base forwards. Lamp Base Latch Lamp Holders Remove the lamp by unscrewing it from the Lamp Holder. Lamp (White) Lamp (Red) Latch must be Lamp Base positioned at the top...
  • Página 65: Removing The 7-Segment Score Pc Board

    Removing the 7-Segment Score PC Board Remove the Upper Rear Door. Disconnect the connector. Remove 4off cap screws (M4x10) and remove the 7-Segment Score PC Board. Connector 7-Segment Score PC Board Cap screws (M4x10) Reassemble in reverse order. Note: To prevent serious electrical damage to the game ensure that the connector is re-fitted the correct way round.
  • Página 66: Replacing The Fluorescent Lamp Or Starter

    Replacing the Fluorescent Lamp or Starter Open the Hood. Replace the Fluorescent Lamp or Starter. Fluorescent Lamp (15 watt) Starter Close and lock the Hood. Page 66...
  • Página 67: Replacing The Main Pc Board

    Replacing the Main PC Board PC Boards can be easily damaged by static electricity. To prevent static damage, service personel should touch an earthed metal part of the game to discharge any static they may have built up before touching the PC Board. Remove the lower rear door.
  • Página 68: Replacing The Drive Pc Board

    Replacing the Drive PC Board PC Boards can be easily damaged by static electricity. To prevent static damage, service personel should touch an earthed metal part of the game to discharge any static they may have built up before touching the PC Board. Remove the lower rear door.
  • Página 69: Removing The Play Panel

    8-10 Removing the Play Panel Open the Hood, and remove the Fluorescent Lamp. (For safety and to prevent damage to the Fluorescent Lamp). Remove 3off security screw (M5x12), 2off security screw (M5x20) and 2off whizz nuts (M6). Security screw (M5x20) Play Panel Whizz nut (M6) Security screw (M5x12)
  • Página 70: Replacing The Play Panel Switches

    8-11 Replacing the Play Panel Switches Remove the Play Panel. (see 8-10 page 69) Remove the switch and lamp assy by pulling it straight out from the switch body. Play Panel Select Sw1 Select Sw2 Challenge Sw Switch / Lamp Assy Select Sw1 : Green Select Sw2...
  • Página 71: Replacing The Prize Sensors

    8-12 Replacing the Prize Sensors 8-12-1 Lengthwise Front Remove the Play Panel. (see 8-10 page 69) Cap screw (M4x16) Connectors (4-pin) Sensor Bracket (B) Remove 2off cap screw (M4x16) Disconnect the 3 connectors, and detach the Sensor Bracket (B) Hex nut (M3) Flat washer (M3) Prize Sensor (with 4-pin connector)
  • Página 72: Lengthwise Rear

    8-12-2 Lengthwise Rear Remove 3off cap screws (M4x16). Disconnect the 3 connectors, and detach the Sensor Bracket (A). Cap screw (M4x16) Sensor Bracket (A) Cap screws (M4x16) Connectors (2-pin) Remove 1off cap screw (M3x12), flat washer (M3) and hex nut (M3) from the Sensor.
  • Página 73: Widthwise

    8-12-3 Widthwise Remove 2off cap screws (M4x10). Disconnect the 3 connectors, and remove the Sensor Bracket. Remove 1off cap screw (M3x12), flat washer (M3), hex nut (M3) from the Sensor. Replace the Sensor. Sensor Bracket Prize Sensors Cap screw (M4x10) Hex nut (M3) Cap screw (M3x12) Flat washer (M3)
  • Página 74: Payout Assemblies

    8-13 Payout Assemblies 8-13-1 Removing the Payout Assy Remove the Upper Rear Door. Disconnect the 2 connectors and disconnect the Earth connector. Loosen 1off cap screw (M5x12) located under the Payout Assy. Remove 2off cap screws (M5x12) located on both sides of the Payout Assy. Cap screws (M5x12) Connector Earth connector...
  • Página 75: Replacing The Payout Sensor

    8-13-2 Replacing the Payout Sensor Remove the Payout Assy. (see 8-13-1 page 74) Remove 1off pozi button head screw (M3x8), with flat washer, and replace the Payout Sensor. Pozi button head screw (M3x8) (with flat washer) Payout Sensor Reassemble in reverse order. Page 75...
  • Página 76: Replacing The Payout Motor

    8-13-3 Replacing the Payout Motor Remove the Payout Assy. (see 8-13-1 page 74) Remove 2off cap screws (M4x10) and detach the Guide Base. Payout Motor Guide Base Cap screw (M4x10) Loosen 1off double point screw (M4x8). Remove 4off cap screws (M4x10) and remove the Payout Motor. Double point screw Payout Motor (M4x8)
  • Página 77: Gun Assembly

    8-14 Gun Assembly 8-14-1 Removing the Gun Assy Remove the Play Panel. (see 8-10 page 69) Remove 2off cap screws (M4X6) and remove the Xenon Assy Cover. Cover Xenon Assy Cap screw (M4x6) Remove the Fibre-Optic Cable from the holder. Fibre-Optic Cable Holder Xenon PC Board...
  • Página 78 Remove 4off security screws (M5x20), disconnect the connector, and remove the Gun Assy. Security screws (M5x20) Gun Assy Connector Reassemble in reverse order. Note: In order to ensure the correct light output from the gun Assy, the fibre-optic should be fitted as close as possible to the Xenon Tube. When installing the fibre optic, be careful not to touch the Xenon tube with your fingers or hands.
  • Página 79: Replacing The Gun Switch, Trigger And Lens

    8-14-2 Replacing the Gun Switch, Trigger and Lens Remove 7off cap screws (M3x8) and remove Gun Body (R). The grip is permanently fixed to the gun body (R). Gun Body (R) Cap Screws (M3x8) Grip Disconnect the two Fast-On terminals from the Trigger Switch. Lens Gun Switch (Black)
  • Página 80 Replace the Gun Switch, Trigger or Lens and reassemble in reverse order. Note: If the Fibre Optic Holder has come off, re-attach it by aligning the marking on the Fibre Optic Holder with the marking on the Gun Body (L). Install the Lens so that the convex (curved) surface is facing outward.
  • Página 81: Replacing The Gun Harness

    8-14-3 Replacing the Gun Harness Remove the Gun Assy. (see 8-14-1 page 77) Remove 2off cap screws (M3x6) that hold the Harness Guide in place, and detach the Harness Guide from the Pipe Bracket. Remove 1off pozi button head screw (M5x20) and hex nut (M5). Remove the Pipe Clip, Pipe Bracket and O-ring.
  • Página 82 Disconnect the 2off Fast-on terminals from the Gun Switch After removing the Gun Switch and Trigger, remove 1off self tapping screw (M3x8) and detach the Gun Bracket. Remove the flange nut (M3) to remove the Pipe Clip and Sleeve. 10. Separate the Fibre Holder into two parts, and remove them from the Fibre-Optic. Remove the Gun Harness Assy together with the O-ring, Fibre-Optic and Flexible Hose.
  • Página 83: Xenon Assembly

    8-15 Xenon Assembly l l l l l The Xenon Assy will remain hot and have areas of high voltage even though the equipment has been tuned OFF, and there is the possibility of burns or electric shock. Be careful not to touch these areas. Das Xenon assy nach Ausschalten des Gerätes noch heiß...
  • Página 84: Replacing The Xenon Pc Board

    8-15-1 Replacing the Xenon PC Board PC Boards can be easily damaged by static electricity. To prevent static damage, service personnel should touch an earthed metal part of the game to discharge any static they may have built up before touching the PC Board. Remove the Play Panel.
  • Página 85 Disconnect the connector. Using needle nosed pliers, squeeze the locking tabs of the locking supports, one at a time, to release the PC Board. Remove the Xenon PC Board. Locking Supports Xenon PC Board How to disengage locking supports PC Board Locking Support Needle-Nosed Stopper...
  • Página 86: Replacing The Xenon Drive Pc Board

    8-15-2 Replacing the Xenon Drive PC Board PC Boards can be easily damaged by static electricity. To prevent static damage, service personel should touch an earthed metal part of the game to discharge any static they may have built up before touching the PC Board. When installing the fibre optic, be careful not to touch the Xenon tube with your fingers or hands.
  • Página 87: Removing The Xenon Fan And Filter

    8-15-3 Removing the Xenon Fan and Filter Remove 2off cap screws (M4x6) and remove the Filter Bracket. Xenon Assy Filter Cap screw (M4x6) Filter Bracket Remove the Filter from inside the Filter Bracket. Disconnect the connector, remove 4off pozi head screws (M4x35), with spring and toothed lock washers, and remove the Xenon Fan Xenon Assy Connector...
  • Página 88: Parts

    9. PARTS Upper Cabinet Assy c i t 9 " " y Page 88...
  • Página 89: Target Assy

    Target Assy Target (A) Target (B) Target (C) Target (D) - f l r r i i n i i n i Page 89...
  • Página 90: Lower Cabinet Assy (1)

    11 10 Main Main PC Board PC Board Drive Drive PC Board PC Board Fork Here Fork Here 22 23 on opposite side)
  • Página 91 r r i r r i r r i Page 91...
  • Página 92: Lower Cabinet Assy (2)

    43 44 45 Main Main PC Board PC Board Driver Driver PC Board PC Board 35 34 32 Fork Here Fork Here Fork Here Fork Here NAMCO LIMITED...
  • Página 93 c t i t t i " 8 u l l c t i ) l l u l l c t i t t i s t i t t i s t i F " " e Page 93...
  • Página 94: Payout Assy

    Payout Assy t i l Page 94...
  • Página 95: Gun Assy

    Gun Assy 10 19 l e l c t i Page 95...
  • Página 96: Mains-In Assy

    Mains-In Assy t l i...
  • Página 97: Coin Door

  • Página 98 9-9 Xenon Assy t l i t l i t l i t s i Page 98...
  • Página 99 10. SCHEMATICS 10-1 Lower Cabinet Photo-sensor Photo-sensor Wht/Grn Wht/Grn Wht/Grn Wht/Grn (Red) Wht/Red Wht/Red (Red) Wht/Brn Wht/Blu Wht/Blu Wht/Blu (Blk) Wht/Blk (Wht) Wht/Org Wht/Vio Wht/Vio Wht/Vio Wht/Blk (Blk) Lt Blu Wht/Yel Wht/Grn Illuminated Photo-sensor Photo-sensor switch Grn/Yel Wht/Red Grn/Yel (Red) Wht/Red (Red) Wht/Blu...
  • Página 100 10-2 Upper Cabinet Target Target Target Target Target Wht/Brn Wht/Org Wht/Blk Wht/Brn Wht/Red Wht/Org Wht/Yel Wht/Yel Wht/Grn Wht/Blu Wht/Vio Wht/Gry Wht/Yel Wht/Brn Wht/Org Lt Blu Wht/Gry Wht/Vio Wht/Blu Wht/Grn Lt Blu Lt Blu Wht/Gry Wht/Vio Wht/Blk Wht/Brn Wht/Red Wht/Org Wht/Yel Wht/Grn Wht/Blu Target...
  • Página 101 Copies of Namco Game Manuals can be downloaded from our website: under Components Distribution For all Parts or Technical Support contact: Brent Electronic, Namco House, Units 7-8, Acton Park Estate, The Vale, London. W3 7QE For Technical Support, Warranty and...

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