1. GENERAL SAFETY RULES FOR RESISTANCE WELDING ..............................................5
2. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................6
2.1 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................6
2.2 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ...........................................................................................6
3. TECHNICAL DATA ...............................................................................................................6
3.1 RATING PLATE (FIG. A) .................................................................................................6
3.2 OTHER TECHNICAL DATA (FIG. B) ...............................................................................6
4. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPOT-WELDER ............................................................................6
4.1 SPOT-WELDER ASSEMBLY AND DIMENSIONS (FIG. C) ............................................6
4.2 CONTROL AND ADJUSTMENT DEVICES ....................................................................6
4.2.1 Control panel (FIG. D1). ........................................................................................6
4.2.2 Description of the icons (FIG. D2). ........................................................................6
4.2.3 Setting of the spot welding parameters .................................................................6
4.2.4 Compression and flow regulator nut (FIG. D3) .....................................................6
4.2.5 Pressure and pressure gauge regulation (FIG. D4 - PCP mod. only) ...................6
4.2.6 Air and water couplings (FIG. G and H) ................................................................6
4.3 SAFETY FUNCTIONS AND INTERLOCK ......................................................................6
4.3.1 Main switch ...........................................................................................................6
4.3.2 "START" button .....................................................................................................7
4.3.3 NO WELDING / WELDING cycle switch ...............................................................7
4.3.4 Thermal protection switch (AL1) ...........................................................................7
4.3.5 Compressed air safety switch (AL6 - PCP mod. only) ..........................................7
4.3.6 Overvoltage and undervoltage trip switch (AL3 and AL4). ....................................7
5. INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................7
Note: In the following text the term "spot welder" will be used.
The operator must receive full instructions regarding safe use of the spot welder
and must be informed of the risks related to resistance welding procedures, as
well as the related safety measures and emergency procedures.
The spot welder (only in the versions with pneumatic cylinder operation) is
equipped with a main switch, that can be locked at position "O" (open), with
emergency functions.
The lock key can only be given to operators who are expert or have been trained
on the duties assigned to them and on the possible dangers deriving from this
welding procedure or from the negligent use of the spot welder.
When no operator is present the switch must be moved to position "O", locked,
and the key must be removed from the lock.
Electrical installation must comply with health and safety legislations and
The spot welder must be connected only and exclusively to a power supply
with the neutral conductor connected to earth.
The power supply outlet must be correctly connected to the earth conductor.
Do not use cables with worn insulation or loose connections.
- Use the spot welder in an ambient air temperature ranging from 5°C to 40°C,
with relative humidity equal to 50% up to a temperature of 40°C, and 90% for
temperatures up to 20°C.
Do not use the spot welder in damp or wet conditions or under the rain.
The connection of the welding cables and any routine maintenance
operations on the arms and/or electrodes must be carried out with the spot
welder switched off and disconnected from the electric and pneumatic (if
present) power supply networks.
The same procedure must be respected when connecting to the hydraulic
network or a closed circuit cooling unit (water cooled spot welders) and
whenever repairs (extraordinary maintenance) are carried out.
- When using spot welders operated with pneumatic cylinder, the main switch
must be locked at "O" using the supplied lock.
The same procedure must be respected when connecting to the hydraulic
network or a closed circuit cooling unit (water cooled spot welders) and
whenever repairs (extraordinary maintenance) are carried out.
It is forbidden to use the equipment in environments comprising areas
classed as being at risk of explosion because of the presence of gas, dust or
Do not weld containers, receptacles or piping that contain or have contained
flammable liquids or gases.
Do not work on materials cleaned with chlorinated solvents or in the vicinity
of such substances.
Do not weld containers under pressure.
- Remove all flammable substances (e.g. wood, paper, rags etc.) from the
working area.
- Allow newly-welded pieces to cool! Do not leave the piece near flammable
Make sure there is an adequate air exchange or means suitable for removing
the welding smoke near the electrodes; a systematic approach for evaluating
the welding smoke exposure limits according to composition, concentration
and exposure duration is necessary.
Always wear suitable protection glasses.
- Wear protection gloves and clothing that is suitable for working with
resistance welding machines.
- Noise level: If particularly intensive welding operations lead to a daily
personal noise exposure (LEP,d) of 85dB(A) or more, the use of suitable
personal protection equipment is obligatory.
5.1 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS .......................................................................................7
5.2 LIFTING THE SPOT-WELDER (FIG. E) .........................................................................7
5.3 POSITION .......................................................................................................................7
5.4 CONNECTION TO THE MAIN POWER SUPPLY ..........................................................7
5.4.1 Warnings ...............................................................................................................7
5.4.2 Connecting the power supply cable to the spot-welder (FIG. F) ...........................7
5.4.3 Plug and socket .....................................................................................................7
5.5 PNEUMATIC CONNECTION (FIG. G) (PCP mod. only) ................................................7
5.6 CONNECTING THE COOLING CIRCUIT (FIG. H) .........................................................7
6. SPOT WELDING ...................................................................................................................7
6.1 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS .......................................................................................7
6.2 ADJUSTING THE PARAMETERS .................................................................................7
6.3 PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................8
6.4 MANAGEMENT OF THE PROGRAMMES IN "EXTENDED" MODE .............................8
6.4.1 Saving the spot welding parameters .....................................................................8
6.4.2 Modifying the spot-welding parameters on a customised programme ..................8
6.4.3 Retrieving a programme ........................................................................................8
6.4.4 Cancelling a programme .......................................................................................8
7. MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................8
7.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................8
7.2 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................8
8. TROUBLESHOOTING ..........................................................................................................8
- The passage of the spot welding current generates electromagnetic fields
(EMF) around the spot welding circuit.
The electromagnetic fields can interfere with some medical equipment (e.g.
Pace-makers, respirators, metal prostheses, etc.).
Suitable measures must be taken to protect those who use this equipment. As
an example, prohibit access to the spot welder use area.
This spot welder complies with the requirements of the technical standard for
products to be used only and exclusively in industrial environments and for
professional purposes. Correspondence with the basic limits regarding human
exposure to electromagnetic fields in a domestic environment is not guaranteed.
The operator must follow the procedures given below in order to reduce
exposure to electromagnetic fields:
Fix the two spotting cables (if present) as near to each other as possible.
Operators must keep their heads and trunks as far away as possible from the
spotting circuit.
Operators must never wind the spotting cables (if present) around their body.
Operators must not spot weld with their body in the middle of the spotting
circuit. Operators must keep both cables on the same side of their body.
Connect the spot welding current return cable (if present) to the piece to be
welded, as close as possible to the join being made.
Never spot weld near, sitting on, or leaning against the spot welder (minimum
distance: 50cm).
- Do not leave ferromagnetic objects near the spot welding circuit.
- Minimum distance:
- d= 40cm (FIG. I);
- Class A equipment:
This spot welder complies with the requirements of the technical standard for
products to be used only and exclusively in industrial environments and for
professional purposes.
Correspondence with the electromagnetic compatibility in domestic buildings
and in those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network that
supplies buildings for domestic use is not guaranteed.
The system must be used for spot welding one or more steel plates with a low
carbon content, having a shape and size that varies according to the work to
be carried out.
The spot welder operation mode and the variability of shape and size of the
piece to be worked do not allow the realization of an integrated protection
against the danger of crushing of the upper limbs (fingers, hands, forearms).
The risk must be reduced using suitable preventive measures:
The operator must be an expert on or trained in resistance welding
procedures using this type of equipment.
A risk evaluation must be performed for each type of work to be carried out;
it is necessary to use equipment and masks that support and guide the piece
to be worked in order to distance hands from the electrode danger area.
- When using a portable spot welder: solidly grasp the clamp with both hands
placed on the relative handles; always keep hands away from the electrodes.
- Whenever the shape of the piece allows it, adjust the electrode distance so
that the stroke does not exceed 6 mm.
Do not allow two or more people to work simultaneously with the same spot
- People unconnected with the job must not be allowed in the working area.
- Do not leave the spot welder unattended: in this case it must be disconnected
from the mains; with spot welders with pneumatic cylinder operation move
the main switch to "O" and lock it with the supplied lock; the key must be
removed and kept by the person in charge.
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