s: 4.6. 20 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Sicher heitsei nrich tun gen si nd: @ 0\ mod _11 1512 643 570 3_1 521. doc @ 16 24
Safety devices include:
Po s: 4.6. 21 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Sicher heitsei nrich tun g – Sich erh eitssch altbü gel Elekt rom ähe r @ 0\m od_ 1125 470 827 492 _15 21.d oc @ 162 3
Safety grip
In case of danger, release the safety grip: the motor will be switched off and the blade come to a stop within
three seconds.
The function of the safety grip must not be deactivated.
The orderly function of the safety switch holder must be checked at least once in each mowing season by
an authorized workshop.
Pos: 4.6. 22 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Schutz einric htun gen sind: @ 0\ mod _11 151 267 5521 8_1 521 .doc @ 16 19
Protective devices include:
Po s: 4.6. 23 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Schutz einric htun gen – G ehäu se, G rasf angs ack, Ausw urfkl appe @ 1 \mo d_1 141 1174 617 25_ 152 1.doc @ 9 089
Housing, grass collecting bag, ejection flap
The protective devices protect the user against objects being ejected at high speed.
The machine must not be operated with a damaged housing or without a properly fitted collecting bag or
ejection flap on the housing.
Po s: 4.6. 24 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Schutz einric htun gen – G ehäu se, Mäh er @ 6\m od_ 119 615 604 491 4_15 21. doc @ 418 33
This protection unit protects against injuries through contact with the rotating cutting blade bar.
The equipment must not be operated with a damaged housing. Please make sure that hands and feet are
not placed underneath the housing.
Po s: 4.6. 25 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Schutz einric htun gen – Is olation steile Elek tro mäh er @ 6\ mod _119 616 107 939 7_1 521. doc @ 41 885
Cover hose at upper part of bar, engine hood and engine bracket, switch-plug combination with cable,
connection cable, cutting blade screw
This protection unit protects against injuries through contact with electrical power carrying parts.
The electrical equipment must not be modified.
Damaged connection cables must be replaced. Please use a connection cable with a minimum quality of
H 05 RN-F in accordance with DIN/VDE 0282/4.
In accordance with the existing standard DIN EN 60335, an insulation protection test must be made after
repair and maintenance work at insulation parts.
Pos: 4.6. 26 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Schutz einric htun gen ...nic ht ve rän der n @ 0\mo d_1 120 122 936 481 _152 1.d oc @ 1618
The safety devices must not be modified.
Pos: 4.6. 27 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Anlass-Sc halte r mit Vorsich t @ 0\mo d_1 125 470 254 360 _152 1.d oc @ 1591
Start or operate the starter switch with great care and according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Pos: 4.6. 28 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Beim Sta rtvo rga ng Ant rieb nicht einsc halte n @ 0 \mo d_1 115 127 428 250_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 595
During the starting process, do not switch on the drive if available.
Po s: 4.6. 29 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Inb etrie bna hm e ... Fü ße .. . Siche rheits abst and z um Sc hneidw erkz eug ... @ 0\m od_ 111 512 754 8437 _15 21. doc @ 160 3
When you start the machine, make sure that your feet are at a sufficiently safe distance away from the cutting
s: 4.6. 30 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Mas chine nicht hoc hgek ante t wer den ... s eitliche r Auswu rf ... nicht vor A uswurf kan al steh en @ 0\ mod _111 512 788 268 7_1 521. doc @ 16 06
When you start the motor, the machine must not be lying on its side or in a slanting position. If it is necessary to
hold the machine at a slant, always ensure that the cutting tools are pointing away from the person using the
machine, although only as far as absolutely necessary. In case of machines with side dejection, do not start the
motor in standing in front of the ejection channel.
s: 4.6. 31 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Hän de o der
Fü ße nicht i n die N ähe von dre hen den Teil en M ähe r @ 0\m od_ 1115 128 631 906 _15 21.d oc @ 160 0
Never put your hands or feet near or under revolving parts. Always make sure that your hands or feet do not get
under the housing. Always maintain a safe distance from the ejector opening.
s: 4.6. 32 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Netzst ecke r
abzi ehe n @ 0 \mo d_1 125 470 510 362_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 612
Turn the motor off and pull the plug out of the socket, ensure that all moving parts have come to a complete
before you check the connecting cable;
before you check, clean or perform any work on the machine,
before you remove any blockages or items clogging up the ejection chute;
if any foreign objects have been encountered.
Pos: 4.6. 33 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /F rem dkör per : du rch Fac hhä ndler pr üfen lasse n @ 0 \mo d_1 115 129 695 921_ 152 1.d oc @ 1 597
If a foreign object has been encountered or if the machine becomes blocked, e.g. by driving onto an obstacle, a
specialist dealer must check whether parts of the machine have been damaged or deformed. Any necessary repairs
must also be carried out by an authorized specialist workshop.
Pos: 4.6. 34 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /sta rke Vibr atio n: du rch Fac hhä ndle r üb erp rüf en @ 0\m od_ 111 5129 817 765 _15 21.d oc @ 162 5
If you notice unusually strong vibrations in your machine, you must have it checked by an authorized dealer.
Po s: 4.6. 35 / Inne nteil/Sich erh eitsvo rsch riften /Han dhab ung /Mo tor abst ellen w enn . ..Elektr om ähe r @ 0 \mo d_1 125 470 6222 92_ 152 1.do c @ 1 610
Switch the engine off, and ensure that all moving parts have come to a complete standstill:
if you have to lift or tilt the lawnmower, e.g. in order to transport it,
when transporting the machine to and from the lawn
when moving the machine off the lawn area;
if the machine is left unattended for a few minutes;
when adjusting the cutting height;
before removing the collector bag.