Check of the optical fiber (see chapter 4.8
"Connecting the optical fiber" on page 22)
Calibration of the laser (see chapter 8.1
"Calibration check" on page 45)
Safety checks (required by law in some European
60 56 092 D 3485
D 3485. 03.2008
Safety checks
The following safety checks must be performed every 24 months by a quali-
fied service engineer:
Visual inspection of the unit and its accessories for mechanical damage
that might impair operation
General function check
Check of the visual and audible indicators
NC and SFC earth leakage current acc. to IEC 601
NC and SFC housing leakage current acc. to IEC 601
NC and SFC patient leakage current acc. to IEC 601
Laser power measurement with a calibrated measuring instrument in the
range between 0.5 W and 7 W
The SIROLaser does not require special maintenance. In case of malfunc-
tioning, see chapter Technical support, repair and testing. However, Sirona
Dental Systems GmbH recommends taking the following actions at regular
Before each treatment
Every 2 years
If national or local legal regulations require additional safety checks for your la-
ser unit, these regulations must be complied with and the corresponding
checks must be performed.
The manufacturer accepts responsibility for the safety of the laser unit only if
the following requirements are fulfilled:
Modifications of the laser unit or repair work may be performed only by au-
thorized personnel.
The electrical installations in the rooms where the SIROLaser is used must
fulfill the applicable legal requirements.
The unit must be used in compliance with the instructions provided in the
present manual.
Troubleshooting of simple defects
In case of malfunctioning, proceed as follows:
Check the connection of the power cord.
Check the connection of the interlock device.
Check the connection of the optical fiber.
Be sure that all operational steps have been carried out correctly.
Check the connection of the foot control.
8 Maintenance and service
System owner
System owner
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, local Dental
Sales or authorized service center.