Setting SOUND
This is used to turn off or turn on a tone which sounds with
key presses and also acts as feedback while a test is being
performed. Select Sound in the Configuration menu.
Defining SMART
The Smart feature is used to automate actions you perform
routinely by leading you through a sequence of functions
such as performing an FVC test, running a post test, printing
test results, and so on.
In Smart, when you turn on the Vitalograph 2120, you are led
through a sequence of displays that depend on the selected
(Be careful not to press the ESC button unless you wish to
exit from Smart.)
In order to set up Smart, select Config in the Setup menu.
S e t
S m a r t
F e a t u r e s
O n
* P R I N T
Smart can be enabled or disabled here by simply pressing
the ↵ button.
Selecting Test shows what test types can be performed. An
asterisk is displayed to show it has been selected. At least
one test must be selected.
S e t
S m a r t
T e s t s
* F V C
Select whether printing and post testing should occur as part
of Smart mode. An asterisk is displayed to show it has been
ABOUT the Firmware
This shows the version number and issue number of the
firmware which drives the device. This information should be
provided if any queries are made to Vitalograph or a service
agent. Select Config in the Setup menu.
When you turn on the Vitalograph 2120, it displays the date
that a precision syringe was last used to check the accuracy
of the device.
International spirometry standards recommend that accuracy
is checked at least daily. The difference between the volume
measured by the spirometer in CALIB mode and the volume
pumped from the syringe must be within 3%.
If the flowhead has recently been used for testing, the
temperature must be lowered to ambient by pumping room air
through it several times prior to selecting CALIB.
Select Calib in the main menu.
S e t
A m b i e n t
T e m p e r a t u r e
P r e s s
t o
C o n t i n u e
The ambient temperature must be entered. Note that this will
only have to be entered once while the unit is switched on. If
a temperature of over 40 is entered, then it will be accepted
as Fahrenheit.
S e t
s y r i n g e
V o l u m e :
P r e s s
t o
C o n t i n u e
All manuals and user guides at
T e m p .
2 0 º C <
v o l u m e
Select the syringe volume type using the
very important to set this up correctly, otherwise, the accuracy
check will not function properly.
Note: If you are using a 3-L Syringe the Volume should be '3'.
I n j e c t
S y r i n g e
i n s t r u m e n t
n o w .
f o r
a u d i o
f e e d b a c k
t o
r e p e a t .
Attaching the Syringe to the Vitalograph 2120
Place the syringe on a firm surface. Attach the Vitalograph
2120 to the precision syringe as illustrated in the following
diagram i.e. with the on/off switch towards the table. It is
recommended that the 1-L Syringe from Vitalograph be used.
This has an accuracy of better than +/-0.5%.
Ensure the syringe piston is fully withdrawn. Ensure a stable
position - do not move the unit during this procedure.
With an even stroke, empty the contents of the syringe into
the spirometer device under test. The stroke must be at least
one second in duration.
Wait for a double beep, which informs the operator that the
device is ready for another pump (without having to view the
display). Withdraw the syringe piston fully and repeat this
procedure until five beeps occur. It is very important to wait
for the double beep before withdrawing the piston each time.
Five beeps indicates that the accuracy check is now
complete. Detach the syringe.
V o l .
d i f f e r e n c e
p r e v i o u s
c a l . : + 1 . 5 %
A c c u r a c y
c h e c k
P r e s s
t o
C o n t i n u e
Press ↵ to continue. You will be prompted for an accuracy
check report. There is no need to update calibration. (if, for
some reason, an update is required then press the DEL
button at this stage).
C a l i b r a t i o n
D o
y o u
r e q u i r e
p r i n t o u t ?
Y e s
If the device's accuracy is outside the recommended
tolerance, then a calibration update will be recommended.
Calibration outside tolerance is highly
unusual. Check for faults in flowhead or
procedure. Re-test before adjusting
buttons. It is
i n t o
W a i t
w i t h
o v e r
N o