started manually by pressing the push-button provided (release). The
efficiency of the lock-out must be tested at least twice.
17) Check the efficiency of the boiler thermostats or pressure switches
(activation must stop the burner).
Ensure that the burner head is perfectly centered in relation to the disk.
If it is not Perfectly centered, the flame may burn badly And overheat
the head, causing rapid deterioration.
Check that the ignition occurs in a regular manner, if the passage between
the head and the disk is closed, it may occur that the speed of the mixture
(combustible air) is so high that ignition is made difficult. If this occurs, then
the regulator must be opened gradually until it is in a position where the
ignition occurs in a regular manner, and this position must be accepted as
the act position. Remember that, for the First flame, it is preferable to limit
the quantity of air to the bare minimum necessary for a safe ignition, even
in the most demanding cases.
The burner does not need particular maintenance, it will be otherwise better
to check periodically that the gas filter is clean and the ionisation electro-
de efficient. The cleaning of the combustion head may result necessary.
For this reason it's necessary to disassemble the head's components. The
reassembly operation must be done carefully so as to avoid the or in short
circuit with following burner's lock."Check the safety devices (thermostats,
pressure switches, etc.) to make sure they are in perfect working order."
Ionization electrode
Ignition electrode
BGN 200P
BGN 250P
BGN 300P
BGN 350P
45 / 112
he minimum ionisation current for
the control box to run is 6 µA. The
burner flame generates a markedly
higher current that will not normally
require any control box checks.
If you want to measure the ionisation
current you have to connect a mil-
liammeter in series to the ionisation
electrode cable, opening connector
"C" (see diagram).