What to do if you get high or low readings AND you feel ill.
If the BGM displays results that are "High" or "Low," or you get a
result that is more than 250 mg/dL or below 50 mg/dL AND you
feel ill:
• Treat your diabetes according to the instructions from your
health care provider.
If the BGM displays results that are "High" or "Low," or you get a
result that is more than 250 mg/dL or below 50 mg/dL AND you
DO NOT feel ill:
• Test your BGM with a control solution: refer to"Step-by-step
guide to control testing." (pg. 19
• Wash your hands, dry thoroughly and test again using
your fi ngertip.
If you still get a high or low reading, contact your health care
provider immediately.
1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2023. Diabetes Care.
2023; 46:S1-S285.
D.2 Testing with control solution
Control solution testing will confi rm that your BGM and test
strips are working properly. You should perform control solution
testing when:
• Using the meter for the fi rst time
• Using a new bottle of Philips or BioTel Care® Test Strips
• You left the test strip bottle cap open
• You dropped the meter
• You suspect the meter and test strip are not working properly
• The test results do not refl ect how you feel
• You want to practice taking a blood glucose test
• The test strips are exposed to environmental conditions
outside the temperature requirements printed on the label