4.5 Propane feeding
DANGER: Propane is a highly flammable and explosive gas. It is completely
forbidden to smoke, make fire or generate any type of flame near the propane
bottle, near the generator or in the place where the gas tanks are stored.
DANGER: Do not place the equipment indoors; accumulation of propane gas
during a possible leak could create an explosive atmosphere. Close the gas
passage of the tank regulator after use always.
Original propane gas is colorless and odorless, distributing companies add a
strong characteristic smell to help detect leaks more easily.
Check if there are local and national regulations in your city, province, state,
country related to usage and storage of oil liquid gases like propane and comply
with them, your propane supplier would let you know.
NOTE: Only use propane tanks. This gas has a greater ability to gasify
butane especially at low temperatures. This is the most appropriate option for high
consumption devices with a thermal engine.
Gasification will not be enough if using butane gas bottles and enough energy will
not be provided to the generator for its appropriate performance. . This issue is
enhanced at low temperatures, the lower the temperature, less pressure the tank
will have. At -2º room temperature butane pressures will balance with the
atmospheric, therefore the supply is cut. Propane maintains higher pressure at low
temperature so it is more appropriate.
Frost formation on the bottom of the propane bottle is normal, especially if
consumption is constant and high.
NOTE: before connecting propane ensure the fuel selector in the control
panel is on "OFF".
Due to different regulations in each country, and the diverse bottle types and
regulators it is not possible to include a standardized kit.
Get on the store of your confidence a section of hose of not less 1.5mts for LPG
gases (propane / butane) from the third family. In the Spanish market it is
commonly known as orange hose for butane/propane. The hose must have an
internal diameter of 9mm to match the generator feed connector.
Buy an approved bottle regulator distributed by supply companies in your area.
The output pressure of the regulator will be 30mbar and guaranteed flow