Provisions for Automation
A mechanized version of the Powercut is available with a full automation interface, which allows the unit to communicate with an ex-
ternal control on a Cutting Machine or Robot. (See section 2.3 - Mechanized Package ordering information).
The manual version of the Powercut can be upgraded with the full automation interface by installing a mechanized conversion kit p/n
0558007885. (See section 2.5 - Optional accessories).
Two standard provisions are included within all Powercuts to allow the unit to work with a simple interface used by some Cutting Ma-
chine Manufacturers.
1) Trigger Interconnect - Some Cutting Machines connect directly to the plasma start circuit, in series with the plasma unit's torch
switch. A convenient connection point has been provided for this purpose. The Powercut trigger circuit includes a male / female
spade interconnection, which may be used to connect the external control cable. This connection is in series with the torch switch,
which means both the torch switch and the external control circuit will have to close in order to start the plasma system.
2) Output Voltage Sample - Some Cutting Machines sample the full output voltage of the plasma system to control the torch height
and to determine when to start moving. The full output voltage is available within the machine on a pair of insulated male spade
Cut tie wrap. Remove sleeve and voltage pickup insulators.
Trigger Interconnect
Output Voltage Sample