there will then be a prompt for a four digit numeric password. use the navigation buttons to select each digit and press Select to enter.
As each digit is selected, the relevant digit box is replaced with a *
continue until all digits are entered, then press select. the instrument will then perform an initial background measurement before displaying the
Main Menu.
should the 3M clean-trace nG Luminometer fail the startup self check, one of several screens may be displayed. If this occurs, see the
troubleshooting guide in section 9 of this manual.
2.05 Measurement Modes
the 3M clean-trace nG Luminometer instrument offers three ways to measure a sample.
MEASURE SAMPLE allows as many readings as required, but does not store the data for later use. It is not required that the 3M clean-trace Data
trending software is installed on the Pc to use this measurement mode (see section 4 for further details).
PROGRAM MODE allows data to be saved on the 3M clean-trace nG Luminometer and then transfer it to the Pc. to use Program Mode the 3M
clean-trace Data trending software must be installed onto the Pc (see section 5 for further details).
UNPLANNED MODE allows results to be stored for additional, new or other test points that are not included in any sample plan. to use unplanned
Mode the 3M clean-trace Data trending software must be installed onto the Pc (see section 5 for further details).
2.06 Inserting a Test
Open Door
open chamber cap by sliding the green cap release to the left. the cap will spring open.
Insert test
Insert the 3M test device into the chamber. Lift the cap back over the top of the device and then push down until the cap latches.