9.05 Other Error Screens
there is no available memory within the instrument to store further results. Press 'oK', upload all stored results to the Pc and try again.
there is an internal fault with the chamber or connections to the chamber. contact 3M or local 3M distributor.
Due to our commitment to continuous development of our products, other error screens may be added from time to time. these screens will be self-
9.06 Inadvertent Changing of Language Setting
In the event of the language setting being inadvertently changed, it may be difficult to return to the original language. If this occurs, follow the
following sequence of key presses to return to the original language:
1. switch the 3M clean-trace nG Luminometer off, then switch on and wait for main menu to appear.
2. Press the "up" navigation button once.
3. Press right function button once.
4. Press the "down" navigation button once.
5. Press right function button once.
6. select desired language from list using navigation
buttons and press right function button once.