Limit switches "0" and "1" (fig. 7) correspond to the positions of the shutter at the
end of the Up movements ("0") and the end of the Down movements ("1").
The limit positions "0" and "1" can be programmed via radio, with a transmitter, or via
cable, with wall-mounted pushbuttons, using one of the procedures available. The
choice must be made by evaluating the presence (or not) of devices that limit and/or
block travel, such as the "plugs" that block the shutter when it is completely open
(position 0) and/or the anti-intrusion springs, which prevent manual lifting of the shut-
ter when completely closed (position 1).
Note – When positions "0" and "1" are not yet memorised, the shutter can only be
moved in "hold-to-run" mode, i.e. keeping the key of a transmitter or wall-mounted
pushbutton for the time required.
Programming the limit switches with a TRANSMITTER
- Use exclusively a transmitter memorised in "MODE I" (see paragraphs 6.4 - 6.5).
- If the limit positions are already programmed but the user wishes to reprogram
them, cancel the old data first by means of the procedure in paragraph 8.3.
- Perform one of the following procedures only.
7.1 - Programming limit positions "0" and "1" AUTOMATICALLY
Caution! – This programming mode is recommended for shutters that mount
"plugs" and "anti-intrusion springs".
01. Press and hold the key ( ▲ or ▼ ) until the shutter
reaches the point of mid-travel. Note - during mo -
vement, 2 brief interruptions indicate that no limit
position is memorised.
02. Press and hold the key ■ (for approx. 5 seconds),
until the motor performs 1 VIBRATION; then re -
lease the key.
8 – English
03. Press and hold the key ■ again (for approx. 5 sec-
onds), until the motor performs 4 SHORT moti -
ons; then release the key.
04. Press and hold the key ■ again, until the motor
moves the shutter upwards and then release the
key. Caution! – if the shutter moves downwards,
press the key ( ▲ or ▼ ) briefly to invert movement.
05. At this point For-Max automatically searches for
and memorises position "0" (in which the "plugs"
block the shutter in the up position) followed by
position "1" (in which the anti-intrusion springs
block the shutter in the down position).
The motor indicates the end of these operations by
performing 2 LONG motions (the shutter remains
closed in position "1").
Note – After this programming procedure, the key ▲ controls the Up manoeuvre
and the key ▼ controls the Down manoeuvre. Movement in these manoeuvres stops
shortly before programmed limits "0" and "1".
7.2 - Programming limit positions "0" and "1" MANUALLY
Caution! – This programming mode is recommended for shutters that do not
mount "plugs" and "anti-intrusion springs".
01. Press and hold the key ( ▲ or ▼ ) until the shutter
reaches the required position "0" then release the
key. Note - during movement, 2 brief interruptions
indicate that no limit position is memorised.
02. Press and hold the key ■ until the motor performs
1 VIBRATION; then release the key.
03. Press and hold the key ■ again (for approx. 5 sec-
onds), until the motor performs 4 SHORT moti -
ons; then release the key.