11. Intercom function
The parent unit provides you with the opportunity of calming your child with consoling
words, when your child is active. To do so, press down on the intercom button (1) – fi g.15 –
and speak in the direction of the microphone (10). During this process, the colour display
(4) goes into the transmission mode and you receive an image of the baby. If you let go of
the intercom button (1) on the nursery unit, the transmission to the nursery unit is discon-
nected and the parent unit goes back to the mode set.
No reception with the
parent unit
Rechargeable batteries
cannot be charged
Nursery unit camera is not
Cleaning and maintenance:
Never submerge the devices in water and never clean them under running water. Remove the power supply
units from the power outlet and clean the devices with a damp cloth. Before using the devices again, please
make sure that they are completely dry before connecting them to the power supply system.
All technical specifi cations, information as well as features of the product described in these works were
compiled to the best of knowledge and according to the status at the time of publication. The informa-
tion provided by reer is intended to be correct and reliable. However, reer does not assume any liability
for possible errors in this document and reserves the right to modify the product design or specifi cations
without prior notice.
Duplications or the transmission of information from these copyrighted works in any form, graphically, elec-
tronically or mechanically, by means of photocopying, recording on tape or saving in a retrieval system
– even in extracts – require prior written approval from reer.
possible source of error
What to do?
- The camera on the nursery
- Connect power supply unit to
unit is not transmitting, power
supply unit is not connected
- Move On/Off switch from Vox
or the camera is in Vox mode
- The On/Off switch on the
- Move On/Off switch on
nursery unit is in the Audio
- Check whether the LED control
- Discharge the rechargeable
batteries for the parent unit
- Adapter is not connected
- Check whether the LED control
- Using alkaline batteries
- Remove alkaline batteries and
- Nursery unit is switched off
- Switch the On/Off switch to
- Adapter is not connected
- Connect the adapter
- Nursery unit is in Vox mode and
baby' s noise generation below
- Change the sensitivity setting
50 dB
- Parent unit is in Audio mode
- Adjust the On/Off switch to
nursery unit
mode to "OFF" position
nursery unit to "ON" position
lamp on the parent unit is
red, connect power supply
unit and charge rechargeable
lamp is red, connect power
supply unit
insert rechargeable batteries
the "ON" position
of the Vox function to the next
the "ON" position
- 17 -
Under no circumstances should
you attempt to repair the devices
on your own.
If the nursery or parent unit is not
functioning properly or unexpected
errors occur, we kindly ask you to:
1) fi rst carefully read the respective
section in the instructions for
use again.
2) then, please try to fi nd and
rectify the error with the help of
the troubleshooting chart
3) if the error cannot be rectifi ed,
we kindly ask you to contact
your specialist dealer