Prepare the receiver collar
1. Turn the receiver collar on by pressing and holding the mode
button for 1 second.
The receiver collar will beep low to high and the status light will
flash green. The status light will flash every 5 seconds (green,
yellow, or red) to indicate battery charge.
Status light color
Battery is sufficiently charged.
Battery charge is below 40%.
Battery charge is below 20%; charge immediately.
Yellow light = tone and
Mode button
2. To determine the current stimulation level, press the mode button
3. To increase the stimulation level, press the mode button once
vibration only
once and observe the row of stimulation level lights on the top of
the receiver collar.
• If the yellow light is illuminated, the receiver collar is set to
tone and vibration.
• If one or more white lights are illuminated, the receiver
collar is set to static stimulation. The number of white lights
illuminated indicates the current static stimulation level (one
white light = level 1 static stimulation, two white lights = level
2 static stimulation, and so on).
to view the current stimulation level, then press it again within 8
seconds. Each time you press the mode button within 8 seconds
of the previous press, the stimulation level increases by one. The
levels increase up through level 7 static stimulation and then start
over at tone and vibration.
White lights = static
stimulation level 1–7