NOTE: the time indicated doesn't work as countdown
The second sentence is about the minimum testing time that has to elapse before to test the joint in the system (for testing
pressure check design requirements and our technical manual).
NOTE: the time indicated doesn't work as countdown
The last sentence will invite the operator to disconnect the fitting from the control unit to restart a new welding cycle.
16) Fusion Procedure
The electrofusion machine provides the right amount of energy needed by fittings in order to carry out a proper fusion cycle.
The welder shall be qualified for the fusion procedure adopted.
There are several programs for the qualification of welders, among which are those that refer to the standards ISO/TR19480,
EN 13067 and UNI 9737. There are different fusion standard procedures: ISO 11413 and UNI 10521. In any case you can use
qualified fusion procedures (WPS) related on the customer experience.
These are some indications for a satisfactory fusion:
- Clean the pipe and/or the end part of the fitting (spigot end);
- Protect the clean part against dust and other contaminants;
- Fix the pipe and/or the end part of the fitting (spigot end);
- Check the alignment and the distance between the inside part of the electrofusion fitting and the pipe and/or the end part of
the fitting (spigot end);
- Use re-rounding tools in the presence of out-of-round elements;
- Prepare the parts to be fused by scraping the external surface (0.2 mm.);
The environment temperature indicated in the above
picture (example) is negative - 9,8 °C
The environment temperature indicated in the above
picture (example) is negative - 9,8 °C
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