FT210B installation instructions and warnings
These instructions can be incorporated with the "Instructions
and warnings for the use of the automation" which the
installer must give the owner of the automation, and must be
incorporated by them.
• Maintenance: Like any machine, your automation needs
regular periodic maintenance to ensure its long life and
total safety. Arrange a periodic maintenance schedule with
your installation technician. Nice recommends that mainte-
nance checks should be carried out every six months for
normal domestic use, but this interval may vary depending
on the intensity of use. Only qualified personnel are author-
ized to carry out checks, maintenance operations and
• Do not modify the system or its programming and adjust-
ment parameters in any way, even if you feel capable of
doing it: your installation technician is responsible for the
• The final test, the periodic maintenance operations and
any repairs must be documented by the person who has
performed them; these documents must remain under the
custody of the owner of the system.
• The only recommended maintenance operations that the
user can perform periodically concern the cleaning of the
photocell glasses and the removal of leaves and debris
that may impede the automation. To prevent anyone from
activating the gate, release the automation system and use
a slightly damp cloth to clean.
• Disposal: At the end of its useful life, the automation must
be dismantled by qualified personnel, and the materials
must be recycled or disposed of in compliance with the
legislation locally in force.
• Replacement of the FT210B transmitter battery
The transmitter on the mobile leaf of the gate has a special
3.6V lithium battery that, depending on the use conditions,
has an estimated life of various years. A signal is given a
few months before the battery is completely flat in order to
give ample time for replacement.
It is time to change the battery if the receiver on the fixed
section (on the wall as in figure A or on the post as in fig-
ure B) gives the following signal: 2 short flashes followed
by a 1 second pause.
The battery is housed in the transmitter on the gate leaf; for
1) Remove the screw caps as in figure C
2) Unscrew the screws that hold the cover and remove it as
in figure C
3) Use a screwdriver to leaver out the flat battery
4) Wait about 10 seconds before introducing the new battery
5) Make sure the polarity is correct; the plus is at the top
6) Introduce the battery as in figure D or E depending on the
type used
7) Secure the cover with the screws and replace the caps
Warning: the product operates with bat-
teries that could contain polluting sub-
stances and therefore should not be dis-
posed of along with household waste.
After they have been removed from the
product (see paragraph "Battery replace-
ment" in chapter "FT210B installation instructions and warn-
ings") they should be disposed of in compliance with the leg-
islations locally in force.
There are 2 types of battery:
• FTA1: 3.6V battery; 7Ah type C, fitted as in figure D
• FTA2: 3.6V battery; 2Ah type AA, fitted as in figure E
Caution: batteries used in this product are not normal
alkaline versions.
Contact Nice s.p.a. to request the spare battery kits
"FTA1" or "FTA2".