Once the communication bus has been correctly wired, the following settings must be carried out to activate the interlocking of two automations:
- menu ADV>INK:
It is necessary to distinguish between automation on the internal side and automation on the external side.
Select the INT item to indicate the automation on the internal side and the EXT item to indicate the automation on the external side
It is possible to associate the activation of a SIO1/SIO2 output to the interlock operation, for example to command a light signalling the status of the door:
- menu ADV>SIO1/SIO2:
select the SIGN item
- menu ADV>SIGN:
select the INK item
The IO1/IO2 output will be activated when the door is locked due to the interlock (with this signal, for example, it will be possible to turn on the red light signal
to indicate that the passage is temporarily blocked)
It is possible to temporarily disable the interlock function via button/contact:
- menu ADV>SIO1/SIO2/SI3:
select the INKE (Interlock Exclusion) item
Closing the IO1/IO2/I3 output on -24V will disable the interlock function.
10.4.1 Interlock operation
The interlocked automations will open one at a time, waiting until the other automation is closed before opening.
NOTE: It is important to establish the correct direction of travel by indicating the internal and external automation, then correctly setting the internal and
external radar as these choices affect the interlock's operating logic.
Starting from the rest state, in which both automations are closed, the first to receive an open command starts the opening manoeuvre. The other automation,
on the other hand, goes into the 'locked' state where it does not accept any opening commands from the OP-I OP-E contacts. It is however possible to open
(for safety reasons etc) using the KO priority open command.
Once the opening door has reached the open position, its radar signals and safety lock outside the interlocking compartment are disabled, this is in order to
facilitate prompt closing.
The signals will remain disabled for the entire closing manoeuvre and for the subsequent opening/closing of the other door.
Once the other door has been opened/closed all the signals are re-enabled.
Internal Radar
Exterior radar
Interior door (INT)
Internal radar
Exterior radar (OP-E)
Exterior door (EXT)