Automatic operation is put on pause by the Power Box
9 A
All week days are set as inactive days
9 E
The mower is being charged directly by the Power Box (via the
9 B
DC connector)
Battery cells are being balanced in special charging mode
9 C
The mower is in the Base Station, but there is no charging
9 D
voltage supply
Low ambience temperature
9 F
Sub-Zone entry problem. The unit was unable to enter one of
9 G
the Sub-Zones
Un-pause automatic operation on the Power Box or through
menu P021
Validate Inactive Time settings (see Section 6.4.1)
Disconnect the DC cable from the mower. Put the mower in the
Base Station.
None. Wait for the end of current charging cycle. May take
longer than usual.
• Inspect Power Box's connection to the Base Station
• Confirm that nothing is blocking the charging pins
None. The unit will automatically depart when it gets warmer.
Refer to U090-U093 in Section 9.3