Product Overview
Water Connection
All new pipes must be cleaned before connecting to the device for proper circulation of fluid in the
For the secondary circuit (cold water inlet/hot water outlet), each pipe is made of steel with threaded
end Ø 20/27 (3/4''). For the primary circuit (heating circuit), each pipe is threaded 1''.
If using synthetic material pipes (XLPE, for example), the installation of a thermostatic regulator on
the outlet line of the water heater is required. It will be set according to the performance of the
material used.
Reading the warnings at the beginning of the document is recommended.
The cold water inlet is indicated by a blue band and the hot water outlet by a red band. They are pipe thread with a
diameter of 20/27 (3/4").
For areas where the water is particularly hard (Th>20°f), it is recommended to treat it. When using a water softener,
the water hardness must remain above 15°f. The water softener does not affect our warranty, provided that it is
approved for use in France and is set in compliance with applicable rules of operation, regularly checked and
Hardness criteria must comply with those defined by DTU 60.1.
Protecting Water Circuits
5.1.1. Primary Circuit (heating circuit)
The unit will be protected against excess pressure that may arise from water expansion during heating:
- by an open-type expansion tank (atmospheric pressure), or
- by an closed-type expansion vessel
- The operating pressure of the circuit shall not exceed 3 bar (0.3 MPa), and the temperature shall not exceed
Operating principles with a circulation pump
- Provide a pump (optional with thermostat kit). The changeover thermostat is standard and the probe is placed
close to the sensor of the three-pole electric thermostat controlling the electrical resistance (electric kit optional).
- Connect electric components between the thermostat and the control of the circulation pump.
- The setpoint of the thermostat is at 65°C (factory setting), and the one of the three-pole electric thermostat
controlling the electrical resistance at the maximum of 65°C (electric kit optional).
5.1.2. Secondary Circuit (hot water circuit)
The unit will protected against excess pressure that may arise in the system:
- A new safety unit must be installed at the inlet of the water heater, which will meet applicable standards (in Europe
EN 1487), 7 bar pressure (0.7 MPa) and ¾" dimension. The safety unit must be protected against freezing.
- The pipes may be rigid (usually copper) or flexible. Black steel is prohibited (see DTU 60.1)
- In the case of a copper connection, hot water connection shall only be done with a cast iron sleeve, steel or
insulating connector, to avoid any risk of corrosion of the pipes by galvanic effect. Thereby,
prohibited (NFC 15-100).
- The pipes used must withstand 100°C and 10 bar (1 MPa).
Réf doc : U0570659_#
Maintenance and
brass fittings are
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